The Post - Office London Directory, 1894. (Kelly and Co.) — This huge volume,
big enough to contain, say, all the literature of Greece that has come down to us, continues to grow still more huge year by year. (A convenient arrangement gives, we see, to a purchaser the choice of having it bound in two parts.) It now extends to nearly three thousand pages, each page containing, to a rough estimate, about two thousand words. The form of the Directory must be so familiar as not to need description ; nor is it necessary to commend the completeness, accuracy, and promptness of the information which it supplies. One criticism, however, we must repeat. It is absurd not to give a separate heading for "Publishers." The inquirer is referred to "Book- sellers," a description which is found to include a curious miscel- lany of trades,—"Newsvendors " and " Fancy Stationers " among them. This is a piece of obstinate opposition to change which is quite unworthy of so enterprising a firm as Messrs. Kelly and Co. The manufacturers and sellers of every other article are distinguished and subdivided with the greatest accuracy; but in the case of literature and art they are confounded with a number of tradesmen who have nothing in common with them. One of the features of the volume is a new map, which is a model of clearness.