THE French Government signalised the first day of the year by a blow at the Anarchists, struck with its usual energy when resolved, and its usual desire for histrionic effect. M. Raynal, the bold Hebrew who is now Minister of the Interior, arranged a plan for the arrest of all known Anarchists in France at one and the same moment, and at midnight, at a signal given from a telegraph button in the Home Office, his orders were carried out. Two thousand Anarchists were arrested, all in bed and sleeping, and carried -off to places of detention, their papers were all seized for official perusal, and their machines, where any existed, were -all impounded. The Anarchists appear to have been com- pletely taken by surprise, but it is probable that in the general -alarm which has prevailed among them, their most com- promising papers and chemicals have been securely concealed. At present the discoveries do not appear to have been im- portant, but the French police do not talk much on serious -occasions, and the Anarchists have received a terrible lesson as to their powerlessness against society. The same scientifically organised machinery would, if the Chamber had pleased, have -sent them all to Cayenne, and the Chamber will please, if the explosions are continued, or if vengeance be taken for these arrests.