6 JANUARY 1906, Page 21


SIR,—The two suggestive letters in your last issue, together with your leading article, go a long way towards a satisfactory solution of the education difficulty. They appear to acknow- ledge three principles that will be readily conceded by all fair-minded men :—(1) Equitable treatment of all existing trusts; (2) the fundamental principles of Christianity as revealed in Holy Scripture to be taught in all schools ; (3) provision for supplementing this by distinctive denomina- tional teaching in all cases where such definite teaching is desired by the parents. With regard to (1), only those who have had practical work to do in connection with the building and enlargement of denominational schools know the amount of self-denying effort that has been made during the last twenty years to bring up Voluntary schools to the ever-rising standard required by the public authorities. It is reassuring to know that the new Government are fully aware of these sacrifices. The difficult problem of securing really satisfactory religious teaching in all schools can only be solved by the State ensuring that some teaching in Holy Scripture shall be given in all schools (subject, of course, to the Conscience Clause), and at the same time providing the safety-valve of supplementary or alternative doctrinal teaching. Such alternative teaching might be given either by members of the teaching staff or by the clergy ; but all expenses should be defrayed, as Dr. Hodgkin suggests, from voluntary sources.—

The Vicarage, Corbridge.on•Tyne.