have read with great thankfulness the article under the above title in your issue of December 30th. "Fundamental Christianity" given by the school staff, and supplemented by denominational teaching on one day in each week, by the school staff where practicable, or, where necessary, by other representatives of the various denominations, is a solution which seems feasible and desirable to many with whom I have discussed it, and I hope that the publicity given to it in your influential paper may cause it to be widely and seriously con- sidered. One great advantage of the "denominational day" is not shown in your article,—namely, that it will connect each child with a religious body. "Fundamental Christianity," however "living" it may be, would, if without the denomi- national day, leave numbers of children in large towns in ignorance of the fact that they belong to any religious body, with the probable result that for very many of them religious instruction and religious influence will cease with their school- days. To bring all children in elementary schools into touch with some religious denomination is a great gain to set against the loss of purely denominational schools, which provide for a portion of the children only.—I am, Sir, &c.,