I To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—You were good enough, a short time since, to express your warm approval of the purchase of the manorial rights over the Hindhead commons in Surrey.
The purchase was effected in the name of a resident, in reliance on a guarantee very handsomely given by a small group of his neighbours, and notably on the spirited promise made by a lady in the auction-room to add 4500 to the sum she had previously pledged. Since the sale a careful canvas of the immediate neighbourhood has been made, and many contributions have been received from elsewhere. The fund thus collected amounts to nearly £2,700. Towards this amount the guarantors are by far the largest subscribers, and the Committee are very loth to call upon them to make up the balance of the sum required, £4,000. For they feel that the permanent preservation of an open space so well known, and of such great benefit to a. wide district, to all London, and to the nation at large, should not be a burden on the few, but the work of the many.
I trust, therefore, that those of your readers who sympathise with your own keen interest in the preservation of beautiful places —intact and beyond danger of disfigurement—will come to the aid of the local Committee, and enable the necessary fund to be made up without delay. I would especially appeal to the many wealthy men and women who now take their pleasure in motor- ing. The great Portsmouth Road runs through the heart of the land which has been bought, and over the very top of Hindhead ; the fine sweep round the Devil's Punch Bowl discloses perhaps the most striking scene on any high road within fifty miles of London. Some of those who thus enjoy Hindhead may, one would hope, be disposed to aid in its preservation.
Subscriptions should be sent to the treasurer, James Wallace, Esq., Scotstoun, Ha.slemere, or to L. Chubb, Esq., Commons Preservation Society, 25 Victoria Street, Westminster.
—I am, Sir, &c., ROBERT HUNTER, Haslemere. Chairman, Hindhead Preservation Committee.