Wednesday's papers announce that, as the result of conversa- tions
between, the Grand Shereef of Mecca and -the Allies, carried on mainly through the_ intermediation of _British authorities in Egypt and the Sudan, it has . been agreed that the Shereef shall henceforth be •ko.own, as the King ofr thenHedjaz. We do not doubt that this formal recognition of ;the descendant of the Prophet and the hereditary guardian of the Holy Places will be received with pleasure throughout those. parts of the Mohammedan world which are not bound to servitude under, the Ottoman yoke. It must always be remembered that the Grand Shereef is no mere rebel or usurper who has carved himself out re kingdom, but rather a great= religious chief who has • freed 'himself from the military tyranny of the sinister canatrilla which now rules at Con- stantinople in :the name of the derelict claimant to the honours of the Caliphate.