6 JANUARY 1933, Page 17


A special paragraph of praise for the poacher is published by that very wise and energetic body, the University of London Animal Welfare Society. In the course of his investi- gations into the abominations of the steel trap Mr. Kirkman, a peculiarly good naturalist, has found the poacher's method of using long nets to be much the most humane, and in many places much the most effective,. He and the Society have made a good many discoveries. One is the extent and exten- sion of the habit of breeding wild rabbits in order to trap them. The strain is artificially strengthened and pairs of rabbits arc sold, and freely advertised to be sold, for release in places where trapping by means of steel teeth has become an industry and a profession. There is mom good natural history in Mr. Kirkman's Man versus Rabbit (price 3d., Animal Welfare Society, London University) than in any humanitarian pamphlet that I know. It ought to give the coup de grace

to the steel trap. • a * •