6 JANUARY 1933, Page 20


-[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In one of your " News of the Week" paragraphs, issue of July 30th, you refer to Senator Borah of Idaho as a repre- sentative spokesman for the Middle West. I hope I am not- wrong when I. state that Idaho is definitely West, and reflects Western opinion, whatever that might mean in these days of the Radio. Nearly all the Northern towns of the State are tributaries of Spokane, Wash. Further south the towns look to Portland, Oregon. Those parts of Montana and Wyoming which border on the East are typically Western. Perhaps Butte, Montana, Cheyenne, Wyo and Salt Lake City, Utah, are more Western politically than Los Angeles, CaL

On international subjects to-day the "Middle West" opinion is to be found just as much far East, far South, and far West. Since the War there has been a great change.—I

Tocopilla, Chile, Z. America.