6 JANUARY 1933, Page 7


All America is talking of some strange thing called "technocracy," authorship of which is claimed by Mr. Howard Scott. The new technocrats, led by Mr. Scott and his felloW-erigineers and scientists connected with Columbia 'University, have left all resent shorter- working-week evangelists far behind. They urge that the rapid advance of technology has made our social and 'economic systems obsolete. North America, they say, could provide for all her needs in a four-day week with li."fOur-hour day. But she must first abolish the existing Price system and substitute payment in "energy certificates," thus removing unemployment and ushering in the millennium. " Technocracy " seems to have influenced in some degree Mr. Hoover's research committee of five hundred experts. For, in their report on the need for drastic economic and social reform, they recommend a five-day week with a six-hour day, unemployment insurance thinly disguised, and a better distribution of income, which are all in line with " technocracy." The thesis demands examination.