Beef, beef and beef
Sir: Your correspondent Richard Whitting- ton (Letters, 16 December) refers to 'Eli- zabeth David's promotion of the Harrods recipe' for dry-spiced beef. Could he be a little less hasty in jumping to conclusions as well as a great deal less pompous?
In December 1958 I published that recipe in the Christmas number of Vogue. At the same time I gave the recipe to Harrods' then master-butcher, Mr A.
`Should we call him David? Or Sir David? Or SD? Or SDS? Or maybe. . Ducat, so that he could have the beef prepared by his staff for the benefit of those customers who might prefer to buy it ready spiced. Let Mr Whittington note that I gave the recipe to Harrods.
When it comes to cooking times, Mr Whittington and Miss Paterson should both know that the crucial point is the thickness rather than the weight of the piece of meat concerned. The timing I gave in my original recipe was and is correct. Provided, that is, that the type of cooking vessel and the oven temperature specified are observed,
Elizabeth David
24 Halsey Street, London SW3