Trying too hard
Sir: Like Cosima von Billow, (`The city which is serious about fun', 16/23 Decem- ber) I have been an expatriate and recently lived in London for ten years. During that time, I felt far from being 'superior' in com- parison to the English women I had the pleasure of knowing. They were much more knowing and articulate than I as an Ameri- can could ever hope to be. None of them felt the need to strive and achieve in order Hello, my name is, er . . to boost their self-esteem.
The type of American woman Ms von Billow describes has its male counterpart who is also overly aggressive and ambitious. These qualities are often offensive to for- eigners and because they are generally mas- culine traits are more obviously unbecom- ing in a woman.
Unlike Ms von Billow, I am embarrassed rather than proud of this stereotypical American, who achieves despite the costs. Suzanne Dicker
7 Chaucer Court, Princeton Junction, NJ, USA