COMMERCIAL G-AZETTE. - - Tuesday, Ally 2.
PawrwEasnirs DISSOLVED.—Cooper and Wainwright, Bradford, Yorkshire, pack- ers—Preston and Ross, Liverpool, brass-founders—Swift and Cole, Kingswinford, iron-founders---Ricardo and Co. Angel Court—Lloyd and Price, Pope's Head Alley, stock-brokers—Hardy and Son, Whitehaven, ship-bnilders—Jey and Hancod Bristol, milliners—Turner and Sowerby. Middlesborough, ship-brokers—Henry an Co. New Broad Street, merchants—The Aldam's MillCompany, Dewsbury, woollen-
manufacturers; as far as regards J. Hall—Tatlock and Love, Manchester, dealers in cotton-yarn—Loisel and Eden, Hatton Garden, confectioners ; as far as regards F. Loisel—Flint and Tootal, Hull, stock-brokers—Goodday and Rust, Terling, Essex, millers—Cream and Stephenson, Hull, carvers—Replier and Youil, Chorlton-upon- Medlock, wine-merchants--E. and S. Levy, Manchester, merchant-tailors—Rig,arls- ford and Butcher, Cheltenham Place, Westminster Road, money-lenders —Lythgoe and Co. Manchester, coal-merchants—E. and H. Bennett, Sheffield, plumbers—The Right Hon. Lord Bowden and Partners, Castle Eden, Durham—Hinds and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, tailors—J. and D. Peters, Ivy Street, Boston, dyers—Fairman and Co. Sunderland, wine-merchants—Pain and Co. Fort Street, Old Artillery Ground, silk-manufacturers—E. and W. Weller, Amersham, brewers—Scott and Parson, Portsea, general medical and surgical practitioners—Milnes and Walker. Blackburn, grocers—D. D. and W. Hopkins, Davies Street, coachmakers—T.D'Arey and Son-in-law and T. D'Arcy and Son, Leeds, stuff-manufacturers—Macvicar and Co. Bombay; Maevicar, Smith, and Co. Calcutta, Macricar and Co. Hongkong; and R. Smith and Co. Manchester, merchants—Hodges and Davis, Kidderminster, auction- eers—Dunthorn and Cuthbert, Broadwall, Blackfriars, corn-merchants—Coxon and Johnson, Leeds, pawnbrokers—Thomley and Co. Birmingham, varnish-manufactu- rers; as far as regards Thornley sen.—Plowman and Luck, Oxford, architects—Skeen and Leary, London—Milne and Inghani, Liverpool, woolstaplers—Gardiner and Wright, Swan Chambers, Gresham Street, agents—Phillips and Co. Wenlock Road, timber-merchants—Parry and Baseley, Holborn Hill, cheesemongers—Winn and Co. Liverpool, merchants—Cogan and Leftwich, Munster Street—Richardson and Co. Glasgow; as far as regards J. Mood—Richardson and Co. Greenock and Port Glas- gow—Richardson and Co. Mauritius, merchants; as far as regards J. Richardson, A. Ronaldson, T. Richardson, and D. Richardson—The Union Bank of Scotland and the National Fire and Life Insurance Company of Scotland ; as far as regards J. Richardson—The Union Bank of London; as far as regards J. Miller.
BANXBAPTS.—JoRN BULL, South Audley Street, shipowner, to surrender July 12, August 20: solicitor, Browne, Lawrence Pountney Hill; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court—Bowel:in BEVAN THOMAS, Leominster, wine-merchant, July 11, August 8: solicitors, James, Leominster- Motteram, Knight, and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Valpy, BlITRinghtIM—T130NAS EDWARDS, Newport, MODDIOUthallee, iron-founder, July 16, August 15: solicitors, Britten and Sons, Bristol; official assig,- nee, Hutton, Bristol—James Llantillio Pertholey, Monmouthshire, mil- ler, July 13, August 13: solicitors, Jones, Worcester; Bevan, Bristol ; official as- s*' nee Acrarnan' Bristol—Saucer. LAVLNOTON, Devizes, grocer, July 15, August 14: solicitors. Wall and Wittey, Devizes • Bevan, Bristol ; official assignee Hutton Bristol—Turmas LUCIUS, Exeter, provision-dealer. July 9, August 7 solicitor, Fryer, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter—Wu-mem FIDLER, Almondbury, contractor, July 16, August 5: solicitors, Sykes, Kirkburton ; Courtenay, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds—Join:en 'Lomas, Manchester, warehouseman, July 18, August 9: solicitor, Atkinson and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Hobson, Man- chestex—Cummir Nuir, Bacup, Lancashire, innkeeper, July 16, August 6: soli- citor, Lord, Rochdale; official assignee, Putt. Manchester—WILLIAM THRBLFALL, Addingham, Yorkshire, cotton-spinner, July 23.
DivinErms.—July 29, Clarke, Stourbridge, grocer—July 25, Baby, Preston, hatter.
CEBTreicaves.-Tb be granted. tulles° cause Sc shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.—July 25, Watts, Berners Street, printer—July 25, Hawley, Liverpool, confectioner—July 25, Hurry, Liverpool, wine-merchant—July 25, Hulme, Man- chester, tailor—July 25, Mellor, Manchester, haberdasher. DECLARATIONS or Draminins.—Blain. Liverpool, corn-merchant; second div, of fd. and first div. of 4s. on new proofs, July 4, or any subsequent Thursday; Case- nove, Liverpool—Blundell, Hooton, Cheshire, banker; first div. of 5d. July 4, or any subsequent Thursday; Cazenove, Liverpool—Blundell, Liverpool, distiller; second div. of 3d. and first div. of la. ld. on new proofs, July 4, or any subsequent Thurs- day; Cazenove, Liverpool—Shanklin, Wallasea, Cheshire, landing-wailer; fifth div. of la:and first, second, third, and fourth div. of 4s. on new proofs. July 4, or any subsequent Thursday; Cazenove, Liverpool—Ashton, Liverpool, builder, first div. of 44d. July 4, or any subsequent Thursday; Cazenove, Liverpool—Jeffryes and Meek, Liverpool, merchants; first div. of la., and first div. of 12s. on the separate estate of J. Meek, July 4, or any subsequent Thursday; Cazenove, Liverpool—Greenup the elder, Prescot, coal-proprietor; first div. of 12s. July 4, or any subsequent Thurs- day; Cazenove, Liverpool.
SCOTCH Seeuesraarlosrs.--Curle, Glasgow, auctioneer, July 5, August 2—Ingram, Macduff, mason, July 8, 29—Grant, Kihnodan, Argyleshire, cattle-dealer, July 9, August 1,—Reid, Aberdeen, wright, July 8, 31.
_Friday, July 5.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Heckscher and Heymann jun. London, merchants- Cebbett and Cobbett jun. Villiers Street, plumbers—Jeffries and Burman. Bridge- water, chemists—Lowden and Roberton, Bradford, Yorkshire, woollen-finishers; as far as regards A. Robert,on—M'Crea and Shepard, Halifax, worsted-manufac- turers—Pack and Clayton, Boston, mercers—Finlav and Charlton, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, booksellers—Williams and Sunderland, Leicester, share-brokers—Faulkner and Jowitt, Huddersfield, linendrapers—Sanders and Pemberton, Clifton, chemists —Gubbin and Co. Bede Canal, Devonshire, merchants ; as far as regards It. Row- land—Hirst and Co. Huddersfield, merthants; as far as regards H Scott—King and Co. King Street, Cheapside, warehousemen • as far as regards W. King—Hockins and Bennett, New Street, New Kent Road, brewers—Kohlbeck and Brown, Alders- gate Street, pocket-book-manufacturers—Alannix jun. and Legge. Wolverhampton, vonmasters—Iluskisson and Co. Wapping Wall, Shadwell—Brevitt and Matterson, Coventry, ironmongers--Arrowsmith and Co. Bolton-le-Moors, cotton-spinners- Breneand and Brothers. Bumley, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards J. Halsted jun. —Greenwood and Pennington, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners—Hodge and Home, Blackman Street, Borough, druggists—De Porquet and Douglass, Tavistock Street„pablishersssEarnshavv and Hobson, Masbrough, Yorkshire, porcelain-letter- makers—Stilwell and Cane. Uxbridge, surgeona—Tonks and Co. Birmingham, brass- founders—Boddy and Ward, Leeds, wheelwrights. SIAllitsoeTs.--JOSEPli Naga and THOMAS NEALE, Reigate, bankers, to surrender July- 22, Aug. 8: solicitor, Kelly, Inner Temple Lane ; official assignee, Pennell, Gtuldball Chamisers—GEoacie Feux.k. Poultry, auctioneer, July 16, Aug. 14: soli- citors, Madox and Wyatt, Clement's Lane ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Jons RYAN, Mark Leone, chemist, July 18, Aug. 15: solicitor, Garry, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street —.loser's BOYCOT, Kidderminster, draper, July 9,„ Aug. 6: solicitor, Tudor. Kidderminster; official as- signee, Whitmore; (arid not Christie, as advertised in the Gazette of June 28,) Bir- mingham—SARAH DAY, Coventry, riband-manufacturer, July 15, Aug. 10: solicitors, Hall. Coventry; Powell, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham- TifenaS BROADBENT, Halifax, draper, July 25, Aug. 22: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; Richardson, Leeds; officialassignee, Freeman, Leeds—ROBERT Haim- MAN PARKINSON, Manchester, warehouseman, July 22, Aug. 19: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester—JAMES TisollesoN, Man- chester, cement-dealer, July 16, Aug. 6: solicitor, Blair, Manchester-; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. Divusesins.--July 27, Star, Lynn, currier—July 37, Roberts, Burnham, Bucking- hamshire, apotheeary—July 24, Cootchs Bath Street, Clerkenwell, grocer —July 24, Cooper, Northampton, dealer in Berlin-wool—July 29, Perkin, Uttoxeter, timber- merchant—July 31, Collins, Bristol, tailor—July 29, Hague, Manchester. smallware- dealer—July. 20, Smith. and Derbyshire, Manchester, dyers—July 26, Newton, Ashton-under-Lyne, innkeeper—July 26, Beresford, Stockport, linendraper—July 26, Worsley. Preston, cotton-spinner—July 26, Wilson, Wakefield, draper—July 26, Hardy, Bradford, Yorkshier, tea-dealer.
CERTIFICATES.—To be granted, unless Cause be shown to the CON tram, on the day of yboeting.—July 26, Mile and Woufor, Battersea, chemiste—July 26, It. D. and D. M. Evans, Wrexham, drapers—July 31, Keitley, Cheltenham, builder—July 29, Hague, Manchester, smallware-dealer—July 29, Gardener, Holt, Worcestershire, hotel- keeper, DECLARATIONS OF Drvinmans.—Piggott, Goldsmith Street, carpet-warehouseman; third and ihial div,, of 1d.Saturday next, and three following Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Street—Vyse, Ludgate Street, straw-bonnet-maker; sec, and final div. of ltd. Saturday next, and three following Saturdays; . Groom, Abchurch Lane—Brad- shaw, St. Albtufs, tailor , first and final div. of 6,10. (on new proofs), Saturday next, and three milisequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane—Starkey, Old Street, car- penter; first div. of Is. 6d. July 6, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sam- brook Court-- Naish and-Glennie, Farringdon Street, ironmongers; first div. of 84d. (on new proofs), July 6, end thre.,e,subsequeut Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court —Fisher, Regent Street,lchinathin ; see. diSsiof 3fd. July 6, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Wenham, Beckley, Sussex, tailor; sec. div. of Is. 2id. July 6, .and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court — Hammond, Hull, "drtiggist;'firat and fival div. of Is. 74d. on any Friday; Carri Hull—Garrison, Ilelperby, grocer; first div. of Is. on any day; Young, Leede—pu e- stone, Wrexham. Denbighshire, draper first die. of Si. July 8, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool—Molyneux andWitherby, Liverpool, merchants; further dlr. of fid. July 10, or any subsequent Wednesday ;-Morgan, Liverpord—Bouli, Liverpool, stock-broker; sec. div. of 7.1. and first div. of 4id. (on new proofs). July 10, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool.
Scares( SEnuEsTRATIons.—Dickson. Glasgow, commission-agent, July 12, Au- gust 9—Dick, Dundee, tinsmith, July 10, August 5—Gilbert, Glasgow, iron-mer- chant, July 11, August 1—Gilchrist, Leith, surgeon, July 10, 31.