6 JULY 1850, Page 9


SATURDAY Two o'Clocx.

Several speculative sales have occurred in the course of the morning, and a decline of nearly 1 per cent from the highest quotation has occurred. There were buyers of Consols at 97, but the price has since declined to 961; closing, however, more firmly, the last quotation being 961 1. The transactions in Foreign Stocks have been confined to the following bargains—Buenos Ayres, 58f 8 59; Danish Five per Cents, 100f 101; Equador, 31; Grenada, 181 / f ; Mexican, 301 80*; Peruvian, 82f 1 ; Ditto Deferred, 3g; Portuguese, 1824, 86; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 96; Ditto Scrip, 5* 5 premium ; Spanish Three per Cents, 371 ; Venezuela Deferred, 13 12f ; Dutch Four per Cents, 881.

The business occurring in Railway Shares has been of a general character, without occasioning any material Change in prices. The following are the principal bargains reeorded—Caledonian 71 1 ; Eastern Counties, 75; Ditto Northern and Eastern, 581 ; ;East Lancashire, 71 ; Great Northern, 101; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 37f 7; Ditto Quarter-shares, 71 ; Ditto Fifth; 15; Ditto Thirds, 8j; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 831 4' Ditto Guaranteed Five per Cents, Late Croydon Thirds, 111 f ; London and North- western, 109f f ; Ditto New Quarter-shares 12f 1 5; Ditto Fifths, 13; Lon- don and South-western 59f 81 ; Midland, '351 45; Ditto 50l. Shares, 10f / f f 5; North British, '51 61 6; Ditto Preference, 41; North Staffordshire, 6* 1 k; Reading, Gtuldford, and Reigate, 151 ; South-eastern and Dover, 14; -York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 141; Ditto Extension, 01; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 41 f , Boulogne and Amiens, 71 71; Northern of France, 14+; Orleans and Bordeaux, 2f; l'aris and Rouen, 231 1*. 8 per Cent Consols Danish 3 per Cents 73 5 Ditto for Account 8 per Cent Reduced 97


96 Dutch 26 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 57


3.1. per Cents 98 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 ... 30 Long Annuities 81 5-16 Peruvian 6 per Cents 825 3

Bank Stock 210 11 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 334 44 Exchequer Bills 67 70 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 84 6 India Stock — Russian 5 per Cents 109 111 Brazilian 5 per Cents 88 90 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 174 f .

n 44 per Cents 89 91 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 374

Clitlian Spar Cents 98 100 Venezuela 33 35 Danish 5 per Cents 99 101 STOCK ENCIIANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON.

The English Funds have been in a gradually progressive state during the whole week : the advance has continued until the price of Consols for the Account today reached 97. The other Stocks are proportionally higher ; Three-and-a-quarter per Cents having reached 99, Three per Cent Reduced 971, and Bank Stock 211. Considerable demand has arisen for almost every description of Stock, in consequence of an almost general disposition for money investments. Towards the close of business prices gave way about 1 percent; the closing quotation of Consols being 96f 1. It is expected that the reports of the quarter's revenue, to be published tomorrow, will be of a very favourable character. The books of the various Stocks the dividends upon which have now become due will open for private transfer tomorrow ; the dividends will be paid to the public on Tuesday the 9th. In the Foreign Market, the South American Stocks have been in consi- derable request. Peruvian Bonds have advanced nearly 6 per cent, the quo- tation having reached 84. A angle purchase of small amount occurred in Buenos Ayres Bonds today, and the price has advanced 4 per cent in cense- quence--namely, from 56 to 60; an advance only noteworthy as indicating the state of the market. Mexican Bonds are firmer, and close about f per cent above our last prices. But no intelligence has been received from Mexico, or from Peru or Buenos Ayres, to affect prices. The Northern Eu- ropean and Dutch Stocks have advanced in conjunctipo with the movement in the English Funds : the Scrip of the Russian Four-and-a-half per Cent loan has reached 5 premium; while the Stock has been quoted at 951 ex-divi- dend, equivalent to 98 with dividend.

The more important Railway Shares are rather firmer than they were last week • while the North British, North Staffordshire, and several of minor importance, are lower, and generally there is an evident disregard of those Shares the affains of which have not undergone the ordeal of Committees of investigation. The transactions in Foreign Shares have been insignifi- cant.


The business of the morning has been confined to small transactions for Money, and though in the aggregate considerable business has occurred, we cannot notice any large transactions. Prices generally have improved, and Consols are again quoted at the highest quotation of yesterday-961 97 both for Money and Account. The transactions in the Foreign Funds and Railway Shares have been unimportant, and the prices are generally the same as yesterday.