Mr. Lowe made a clever speech in favour of cumulative
voting in the three-cornered and four-cornered boroughs on Thursday. He was not, he said, going to argue for the representation of minorities, but he did think that all electors, whether in the minority or majority, should be on an equality. Now, members-of the minority, if they wish ever to return a member, are forced to plump, that is, to give but one vote, while their opponents give three ; and so the minority are mulcted of two-thirds of their right, only because they are a minority. As regarded the argument from expediency, he held it to be expedient if possible to break through the horrible uniformity of the household suffrage, and to give those who do not belong to the majority a chance here and again of securing _Tenzer.— _ sentatiou for finer shades of opinion. Mr. Lowe, ha..-.1 Previously declined to withdraw his resolution, pleading thai even Mr. Bright, after agitating the country all the autumn for household suffrage, was amazed and disgusted at his own success. " I am reminded of the landlord in Pelhant who gives a bad dinner to a number of persons who are not very good judges of gastronomy, and who, being called, is forced to drink up a glass of his own wine, which nearly kills him." The motion was lost by 814 to 173.