THE House is craning a little at its big leap. There is a dispo- sition to delay visible, which, as there are only twelve work- ing days before August, has called up Mr. Disraeli to protest. On Thursday he advised that the schedules should be taken before the private amendments, and five or six of the latter were at once withdrawn. We trust, now that the anti-corruption clauses and the cumulative vote are lost, our Liberal friends will abstain, as Mr. Gladstone does, from further opposition. There is nothing worth having to be got, for, as we have explained qlsewhere, to force a dissolution would be suicidal, and petty amendments only enable the Tories to say that the Liberals fear enfranchisement. If serious opposition ceases, as it probably will, the Bill ought to reach the third reading next week, and pass the House on the Monday following, when Mr. Gladstone will take the opportunity, we trust, to express a thorough confidence in the people. We would warn both sides, en peasant, to look sharply to the clause fixing the time for registration. If they try to give themselves another year's enjoyment of their seats, there will be a cry from the new constituencies against laws passed by a "sentenced Parlia- ment" such as they will not care to face. Cannot they see that the year will be all in favour of new men?