6 JULY 1867, Page 2

The special correspondent of the Times at Rome says there

are now between eight and nine hundred Catholic Bishops in the world, of whom 480 were present at the canonization of the Grand Inquisitor of Aragon. Forty-three Cardinals attended the cere- monial, and some twenty thousand priests, who perspired till the steam, says another correspondent, almost hid the scene from the spectators. The Pope in his allocution on the 26th June dis- tinctly announced his intention of holding an (Ecumenical Council, but there seems to be difficulty about the date. The one talked of is December, 1868, but in eighteen months what may not have occurred? Perhaps the triumphant entry of the Italians into Rome. A writer, whom we take to be Mr. Sala, records an

odd incident during the ceremonial. A visitor committed suicide in the Cathedral, cutting his throat, and the Pope had to reconse- crate the building.