The Loyalist's Daughter; a Novel, or Tale of the Revolution.
By a Royalist. Four vols. (Adams and Francis.)--An historical story of the school of Mr. G. P. R. James. The Revolution is that of 1688, and we are treated to much abuse of Datch William, interspersed with glorification of the Stuarts and the Grand Monarch. Almost all the first volume is taken up with the escape of James H.'s Queen and her infant from London, and the King's attempt at following in their traces. Afterwards we have sketches of Killecrankie and the Battle of the Boyne, which are largely inspired by Macaulay. The Royalist has not disdained to read the Whig historian and to copy some of his sentences verbatim, though the spirit of the two writers (we use the word in Re double meaning) is very different. As to the story which lies embedded in the four volumes, we have not had the patience to trace it. So far as our experience goes, we think that it is immaterial, as is very often the ease with these historical novels.