The transactions in all National Securities during the week have
been only moderate, yet prices have continued steady. Yesterday Consols, for money, left off at 94, 3; ditto, for account, 943, jr ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 933, 3 ; Exchequer Bills, 19s. to 27s. prem. ; Bank Stock has marked 253 to 255. India Five per Cents. have been done at 109 to 1093 ; India Bonds, 55s. to 65s. prem. The tendency of the prices in the Foreign House has been downwards. Railway Shares have continued inactive. The supply of money in the discount market is still large, but the demand for accommodation has slightly improved, and the best short commercial paper has been done at 23 to 21 per cent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England now amounts to 22,495,8551.; while the Bank of France holds 35,459,9481.