[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—May we bring to your notice a few facts to indicaw one aspect of the needs for which this Fund is appealing? There are at present in Paris 600 German refugee children for whom their parents are unable to provide. The French Comito National cannot continue to care for these children after September, nor has it sufficient funds to provide for all of them for July and August.
The German Refugees Assistance Fund is therefore trying to fmd means for the following activities 1. To send 45 children to holiday camps.
2. To distribute, through an agency formed by refugees, medical assistance for the large number of children who unfortunately are already suffering from the effects of malnutrition and other causes. This assistance includes free medicaments, provision of special diets, medical treat:- merit at the clinic or at home, and sun-ray treatment when needed. Average cost-7270 frs. (about £8 10s. per child)— during the two holiday months.
3. To start through the same agency a day creche during the school holidays, when school canteens are closed, for about 240 children, who cannot be sent to camps.- A house has been provided, and the cost will be about 240 frs. (about E.3) per child.
4. To provide milk for undernourished children too young to attend the creche. This will take about 4,000 frs. (about £50) for the two holiday months.
Permanent help for these children naturally depends on helping the parents to a new start in life. Donations for this purpose are urgently needed by this Fund. But the immediate and urgent needs of the children must be met at once. We are already tisiurednf the Sum necessary to provide for 50 children at the creche. May we ask your readers if they will help us- to provide for the remainder ?
Donations should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Sir Karl Knudsen, K.B.E., at the.offiee of the Fund, 50 Great Russell Street, W.C. 1.—We are, Sir, &c., LornIAN (President).
German Refugees Assistance Fund, 50 Great Russell Street, W.C. 1.