V. WILSON (2nd Prize, Ameriesui Chezz.Bidledni1955)
BLACK (4 men) iplAy and
This problem is taken from The Problemist of May, 1956, a magazine I can warmly recom- mend to all solvers or composers. Solu- tion to last week's problem by Mans- Kt-Kt 2. 1. . .
1 P-Q 5; 2 Q-Kt 8. 1 . . . B-B 6; 2 B x R. Beautiful problem; light, open setting, good key and excellent variation play.
Paul Keres, the forty-year-old Esthonian-born Soviet master; has been in the news on several counts recently; he was second to Smyslov in the, candidates' tournament, since then he has beaten the West German champion Unzicker by the decisive margin of 6-2 (4 wins, 4 draws, () losses), and his masterly work on the open game covering all the 1 P-K 4, P-K 4; openings has just been translated from Russian into German and is available in this country. So this may be an appropriate moment for an article on him.