THE LOST LEADER SIR,-Might I be allowed to correct the
erroneous impression which readers of the Spectator (June 22) may have received with regard to the West Lothian by-election. In your only reference to the by- election result, in 'Portrait of the Week,' it was stated: 'Labour held West Lothian, and the Con- servative, the Liberal and the Communist candidates all lost their deposits.'
Those of ,your readers who read the Spectator for political information might be interested to know that there was a fifth candidate. The Scottish National Party candidate did not lose his deposit and indeed his vote. was approximately double that obtained by the Conservative and Liberal candidates.
It is understandable that the Spectator shouldn't wish to give much space to such a result, but surely it's a mistake to assume that when the Spectator feels sick all its readers feel sick too.
118 Ardlowatt Street, Glasgow, SI