6 JULY 1985, Page 45

Crossword 715

A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £11.95— ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) will be awarded for the first three correct solutions opened on 22 July. Entries to: Crossword 715, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.

Radial lights (20 from rim to centre, 20 reversed) include ten words defined in italics and having something in common. A thematic expression (eight words, one hyphened) runs clockwise in the circuit next to the outer one. Ignore an umlaut.

Name Address RADIALS (6) 1 Enclose in steamer Mac's chips 2 Gorgeous girls 3 Lascar bosun poeticised about the Queen 4 Night-dew ('twas thought) from pure air

5 Lass grabs lout, concerning everyone

6 Scowls, second after dusk 7 Little folk saw Saint 8 The original mermaid?

9 Master covered with fish turns glaring 10 1.-hinge in stone

11 Summing-up 12 Scott's shallow: in gravity declining 13 Satisfies old one, quietly yields 14 Supplication 15 Repeat Italian tales about Homer?

16 Depart with none in train? Mad 17 Sober in tall grass? Soaked

18 A battered crate, old food supplier

19 Long sleeveless tabard

20 Golfer, about round, faced with tree 21 Want old grain cut in forest?

22 Trifle with haggis?

23 Bard's child has neck cut 24 Refined river reportedly sandy 25 Needle sot, almost, at rear of scruffy dive

26 Death-knell usually rever- berates, in part dull

27 Matins arranged for praying creature 28 Locating 29 Live in non-U remains of estate 30 Does admitting Poles make it more crowded?

31 One who cures with Cape brandy, right?

32 Botch 33 Wander about street and loaf 34 Atmospherics — they're isolated 35 Nothing surpasses old Jap coins 36 Persuades 37 Legally barred 38 Old German, dead biased 39 'Animal Farm' includes pious donkey?

40 Constellation named by Baptist The solution to Crossword 712 is on page 39.

Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.