Coient Garden closed too late last week to be conveniently
included in our report of the Theatres ; and we advert to it now only to record the statement of the manageress, that the receipts had been greater this season than previous ones, though it was hinted that the profits had been less. We are glad to find that the spirit, activity, and taste shown in all the arrangements of this theatre during the present management have met with a due reward; and if the liberal, we had almost said profuse expenditure, has diminished the gains this season, the expe- rience thus bought will no doubt suggest a judicious economy next : the exercise of taste is not necessarily expensive. Meanwhile, the
accession of popularity, both to the managers and the theatre, is not without its value, and will bear interest next season ; for Covent Garden, we are glad to find, is still held by Madame VESTRIS and her husband CHARLES MATnEws. A new tragedy by KNOWLES was read in the Green-room on the Wednesday previous to the closing night ; the parte of which are to be distributed for study during the recess, that the theatre may open under cover of its attraction in September. This is good policy : the success of one new play floats a theatre on the great tidal wave of popularity for half the voyage of a season. If the pro- portion of proceeds to outlay on the novelties and revivals of last season were calculated, (CuAni.Es KEMBLE'S nights excepted,) we suspect that the balance would be in favour of novelty ; though only one, Kxowristfa Love, was eminently successful.