This accomplished singer left England for her native country on Thursday ; and we cannot allow her to depart—we fear with no likeli- hood of return—without an expression of oar gratitude and our good wishes.
Madame STorwitAusEx appeared among us as a stranger some years since, without any flourish of trumpets and without the advantage of stage-display she leaves us with the universal suffrage of the public in her favour as a singer, and with the cordial regard, and we may add affection, of all who enjoyed the privilege and pleasure of her friend- ship. Sincerely at tached to her art in its purest and noblest forms, she delighted to devote her powers to its advancement ; and it', in com- pliance with the calls of fashion, she sometimes stooped to alliance with the Meagre and frivolous products of the modern Italian school, it was an alliance not of choice but necessity. She will he emphatically re- membered in connexion with Mozmur, HAYDN, Il.tNDEL, and Spotlit. Above all, she will be remembered, by all who heard her, as the repre- sentative of Mary in Seonn's oratorio, at the last Norwich Festival.
But that which most attracted all hearts to Madame SToexuAusEer, was the purity and simplicity of her character. See her surrounded by her children, and the last thing you would guess was her profession. For them she has laboured, and to them she returns—to quit the care and anxiety, the strife and struggle, the treachery and chicanery, which every public singer must encounter, for peaceful retirement in her own free and happy land, and for the sincerity and warmth of conjugal and maternal affection. May she find all these blissful anticipations amply realized.