Zig alletropolis.
Some weathers of the Pitt Club met at their anniversary dinner on Saturday ; the I Immutable William Duncombe in the chair. The speeches about the " Ile:teen-dealt Minister" were as prosy us usual.
The first public meeting u.f' the " Society for the Extinction of the Slave-trade and for the Civilizat;eil of Africa" was held nu Monday, at Exeter Hall. Mr. Nowell Buie teu is the chief promoter of this asso- ciation, under whose auspices the Niger expedition is planned. It was announced that Prince Albert would preside, and that many distin- guished persons of opposite politic* would take part in the proceedings. Thus curiosity was stimulated, and the meeting had much of the attrac- tion of a show. It was announced that the doors of Exeter Hall would be opened at ten ; but many persons bad collected as early as six or seven oclock, and by nine the crowd lead become so greet that it was found necessary to open the doors prematurely. In a few minutes the area of the hall, the side-galleries, and all the places on the platform not re- served for the Committee and persons of distinction, were occupied. The whole number pressed is setimated at something between four and five thousand ; of whom the la,.ger Daintier were ladies. Some of these were unable to susteiu die fatigue and pressure of the croe and were carried out sick or fainting ; others endured till they caught a glimpse of the Prince, mud then went away. On the platform, were the Bishops of Winchester, Exeter, Chichester. I lereford, Salis- bury, Lichfield, Ripon, Gloucester, Norwich, and Nova Scotia, the Duke of Norfolk, the Marquises of Breadalbane and Northampton, Earls Howe, :Ripon, and Chichester, lords Sandell, Teignmouth, Worsley, ilowick, Ashley, Eliot, Robert Grosvenor, Sirs Robert Peel, Robert Inglis, Henry Ilardiuge, George Murray, and George Grey, M. Guizot, Messrs. Powell Buxton, Samuel Gurney, O'Connell, William Glad- stone, and Archdeacon \Vitherforce, with many others.
As the hour of business drew near, the soleum voice of the organ was heard. In the midst of the music Prince Albert entered, at eleven o'clock to the minute ; and was conducted to the chair by Mr. Powell Buxton. The multitude rose en masse, and greeted his Royal Highness with enthusiastic cheers ; and the organ gave forth "(toil save the Queen "—the Prince standing like the rest.
Prince Albert then opened the business of the meeting with a few simple sentences, delivered with a slight foreign accent, but with perfect self-possession—
"I have been induced to preside at the meeting of this society from a convic- tion of its paramount importance to the great interests of humanity and justice. I deeply regret that the benevolent and perseveriog exertions of England to
abolish the atrocious traffic in human at once the desolation or Africa and the blackest stain on civilized Eueope, have not led to it satisfactory con- elusion. I sincerely trust that this gr,a1 country will not relax in its efforts until it has filially and fur ever pu, aw rani to a state of thing- so repugnant to the principle: or 'Christianity and to the best feelings of our nature. Let us thereffire trust flea- Providence will prosper our exertions in so holy a cause; and that undue the auspices of our Queen—Were the whole cmwmtly rem: and cheered j;», Soule minvies)—mitior the auspices of our Queen and her Govern- ment, we may at no distant period be reworded by the accomplishment of this great and humane object, for the preinution of wlech we have this day met."
Mr. Buxton read letters from Queen Adelaide, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, and Mr. Thomas Clarkson, ex- pressing approbation of the object or the meeting.
Mr. Buxton then came fbrward and addressed the assembly with the skill and effect of a practised and earnest speaker- " May it please your Royal Highness, ladies and gentlemen," said Mr. Buxton, " when I see this vast hall tilled as I have never seen it before, to the most extreme corner ; when I eel: the platform, and how it is crowded, and
by whom ; and when, above all, I see Will) °Celli/ICS the chair—( Treniewhws cheering)—if nay filet feeling is, as it certainly is, one or thankfulness and
congratulation, I must say that my next imoulse is, if not to Arbil: from the task imposed upon me, at all events to offer at apology to the meeting, and those who surround tar, that I should move the first resolution. As, however, apology would take time, I shall only say that it is not my
fault certainly if I am placed in this prominent situation. I do confess. I was somewhat surprised that the members of the Committee, mei more specially my old Parliamentary friends, should have pined me in a situation in which it was necessary I should speak ; became I well recollect when I was in the House of Commons, how the consternation spread from bench to bench when any gentleman rose to deliver his opinions who had already appeared in print. It is not my intention to yield to the temptation to refer to any part of my book ; but I will take this opportunity of ovine, the subject is so large that I think the best thing 1 can do is to re- duce what I have to say within the smallest possible compass. But there is one subject which I cannot omit ; I must be permitted to say that I feel the highest gratification and satisfitction at the honour, the high and the distinguished honour which is this day bestowed upon our infant society. 1 understand that your Royal Highness has most properly avoided party and political meetings, (Cheers.) That cheer assures me that 1 may answer for the assembly that there will be nothing of the kiwi to-day. Differ we undoubtedly do, but not to-day. You see here assembled persons of every variety of politics, and of every shade of religious belief. There may be disunions, and bitter Ones; but here, I will venture to say, you will find us united in one common heart and one common bond—namely, hatred of the traffic in man. The resolution I have to propose is, that, notwithstanding all tine measures e meas hitherto adopted for the suppression of the foreign trade in slaves, the traffic has increased, under circumstances of aggravated horror, and prevails to an extent imperiously calling fir the strenuous and combined exertion of the whole Christian com. munite to effect its extinction. You sec we acknowledge thnt we have been dethated and disappointed, and battled ; but the business of this day resolves itself into a single question—Shall a new effort be undertaken to put an end to it?"
The object of the Society was to establish commerce, and above all religion, in Africa, as the surest way of extinguishing the slave-trade. What was now the condition of Africa?-
" le is not my intention to quote my book, but there is one circum- stance I would relate, fire it gives a clear and defined view of the state of All ice. There was a chief of Africa just returned from one of his expedi- tions, where he loud been so successffil as to capture many human beings, after having slaughtered many. A Ilissionary was present, from whom 1 had this relation. Ile called to him a little boy, trembling under apprehensions of the horrors that overhung him. Ile took compassion on the child, and requested dint lie might be given to him. Happy would it have been for the boy had it been so ; he would have been reared, in Christian principles, and perhaps after- wards have been a missionary of the gospel to his own country. But it was not to be so. The fate pf the boy was irrevocably- scaled—he was devoted to the Evil Spirit."
[The appearance of Mr. O'Connell on the platform caused an inter- ruption: there were cheers, hisses, and considerable hubbub. When the noise was ended, Mr. Buxton went on.]
" 1 now see the cause of the interruption. 1 do trust flue cause of Africa will not be sacrificed this day to party feeling. This, however, I can say-1 know the geotlemau who has just entered is one of the most powerful advo- cates of our cause : thus far 1 will pledge myself for him, that it' he discovers his presence here at all prej Mites the eau SC, or is a bone of contention, lie will instantly retire. Let all our controversies this day subside—all our disseu- sions at this meeting sleep."
After paying a well-turned compliment to the Queen and her Con- sort, Mr. Buxton moved the first resolution- " That notwithstemling all the measures hitherto adopted fur the suppression of the foreign trade itt Slates, the traffic has increased, and continues to in- crease, under circumstances or aggravated horror, and prevails to an extent which imperatively calls ffir the strenuous and combined exertion of the whole Christian community to elect its extinction."
The Bishop of Winchester seconded the resolution, and bid the Society " God speed in the name of our Lord." Dr. Lushington moved the next resolution-- " That the utter failure of every attempt by treaty, by remonstrance, and by naval armaments, to arrest the twigless of the trade, nail the exposure recently made by the publication of INIr. Buxton or the deep interest which the African chiefs have in its continuance as the means of obtaining European goods and manufactures, prove the necessity of resorting to a preventive policy founded • on different and higher principles." lie trusted that the Society would receive cooperation from Euro• peen powers, and especially from France. lie hailed the presence of M. Guizot as a happy omen, and hoped lie would convey to his sove- reign and his country an adequate representation of the zeal and una- nimity of England in the great cause they were assembled to advocate.
Archdeacon Wilberforce seconded the resolution. IIe was much en- couraged to hope for success. There were favourable prognostics—
He did not mean to flatter the meeting with the expectation of the speedy issue of their labours. Ile had learned that no good work was to be done in this world except by faith and patience. They must patiently labour en in faith on God's promises that they might certainly obtain a favourable result. It was this thought that through many a weary day and anxious night and- mated the heart and upheld the steps of him whom in this matter he desired earnestly to follow.
Sir Robert Peel rose to move a vote of thanks to Prince Albert. After the loud cheers which greeted him had subsided, Sir Robert said-
" May it please your Royal Iliglmess, ladies and gentlemen, it is with no wish of my own that I now appear before you. it was my intention to have taken an unostentatious part in your proceedings ; because I feel it is some- whet painful to interfere tut this time with the triumphs of those who devoted their lives to this cause, and to whom are due exclusively the honour and deathless flume of striving gloriously for the cause, under great and pressing. difficulties ; and it is only because those who have been the CeliFtalit friends of the cause—because Mr. Buxton, who opened the proceedings of the day, and because he who has just concluded his address to you, proving to you that he
inherits not only the name but the virtues and the eloquence of his father— it is only because they have expressed a wish that I should take an active part in these proceedings, that I have overcome the dictates of my own will, and deferred to the wishes of those who are the best judges of what is best for the advancement of the interests of the cause; and they a
the gratifying, duty, but most difficult task, of embodying teurlducrisi. not
only the sentiment of the present meeting, but of all who join with us in the cause ; which is a vote of thanks to your Royal Highness for undertaking to preside over this vast assembly—that you have augmented and snnetioned your first appearance in the arena of public discussion by manifesting a zeal and interest in this great cause, in which the lasting interests of humanity and reli-
gion are deeply interested; and that feeling which 1 have to express is not the feeling of any meeting which could be assembled within the narrow limits or any edifice. No, Sio-1 consider this meeting as the fit representative of all
England upon this subject. This meeting, which is attended by persona of every religious persuasion, of every shade of political opinion, is the fitting re- presentative to you of the feeling of a great people, which is a feeling of gm tification and cordial delight, that you have stepped forward to take the first
pat in the proceedings of this (lay: and this is a people who in the time of great financial difficulties without a murmur submitted to extraordinary sacri- fices for the purpose of purifying themselves from the stain of any participa- tion in the evils of slavery." The slave-trade was still carried on to an enormous extent ; and t3 give the meeting an idea of its dreadful atrocity, he would read an account of the capture of a slaver from a Cape of Good !lope paper, -only just received— She was a brig, and commanded by a Spaniard. She originally had on board nine hundred gives; bat during a hurricane, in the prosecution of her voyage, the hatches were battened down, and on opening them after the hurricane had subsided, it was discovered that three hundred of the slaves had died from suf- focation and want of foal The gale recommencing, the hatches were battened down a snout' time ; the consequence of which was an additional three hun- dred slaves perished front the same causes; and, one hundred of the remaining three hundred slaves died on the passage to Mozambique hariour, whither she repaired for the purpose of getting a further supply. Sir Robert was not sanguine as to the early success of the Society's operations; but he had confidence in the righteousness of the cause, and
w w
as convinced it would meet with Divine protection. At the conclusion of Sir Robert's speech, Prinezi Albert rose, bowed, and left the hall, amidst loud plaudits. Numbers of persons went away at the same time. The Earl of Ripon was then called to the chair, and the business of the meeting proceeded.
The Bishop of Chichester moved, and Mr. Samuel Gurney seconded, the third resolution- " That this policy is to be found in the civilization of Africa by the intro- duction of Christianity, by the promotion of legitimate commerce, and by en- couraging the cultivation of the soil on a system of free labour."
Mr. Gurney considered that a profitable trade might be carried on in
Africa ; and that a few years would see the labour of Africa employed in the production of many articles required by this country. ReCerring to the great changes in other parts of the world, he was satisfied that this was no Utopian notion.
The Earl of Chichester and the honourable C. Langdale respectively moved and seconded the fourth resolution— That in the opinion of this meeting, Great 13ritain is reqiiired both by every consideration of sound commercial policy, cud by the higher motives of Christian obligation, to exert all her influence and all her power fur the effec- tual suppression or the 1:,,,,,-trade; and that the means proposed by this Society in accordance tcith the principles recognized in its prospectus, and in the pre- ceding resolutions, appear eminently calculated to counblee to the attainment of that great result, and are therefore entitled to cordial approbation and sup- port." Lord Ashley moved, and the Reverend G. Clayton seconded, the fifth- " That this meeting earnestly and solemnly appeal to the whole Christian community to further the operations of the Society by pecuniary cool Film; ions, by private and public influence, and by ell other means that IVVIC le iiiouig in the prosecution of a purpose dictated by humanity, approved by sound porgy, anxiously desired by.the country, and undertaken in the humble hope that the blessing of Almighty God would be vouchsafed to its lahours." The sixth was moved by the Marquis or Norilla:::11;::n, ennnn,L12,v Lord Howick- " That in order to promote the interest of this institution throughout the kingdom, it is expedient to establish societies auxiliary to it, and in regular correspondence and connexion with it, as extensively possible: this meeting, therefore, pledges itself to strenuous efforts fur that purpose, and earnestly invites the friends of Africa, or every religious persuasion and political opinion, to adopt such means in their respective neieldieurimiels as may contribute, under the Divine blessing, to its prosperity and success."
The meeting had now become very impatient ; and the Reverend J. W. Cunninghaine, who read a petition to Parliament founded on
the resolutions, was scarcely audible. The petition, however, was adopted unanimously. Mr. Buxton was appointed Chairman, and Sir Robert Inglis, Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, and 1)r. lershington, Deputy Chairmen, of the Committee of the Association. Thanks were voted to the Earl of Ripon. There were loud calls for Mr. O'Connell, who at length presented himself; but, on a signal from the Committee, the organ struck up, the orator was silent, and the meeting separated.
[The treatment of Mr. O'Connell has produced finite a sensation—at least in the newspapers. The Whigs arc very indignant, and rate the Committee for their conduct in preventing " the .Member fbr Ireland" front addressing the meeting. All the array of Tories and Bishops, it is said, did not compensate for the silence or absence of O'Connell, Sturge, Knihb, and Thompson. On the other hand, the Tories vindicate VConnell's exclusion front participation in the proceedings, on the ground of his unpopularity in England; and blame hint for intruding himself on the platform,—for which, according to the Standard, he only obtained a ticket on a promise not to speak. O'Connell himself was at length provoked to send a letter to the Afornilw (xhroniele yesterday, denying that he had any intention of speaking; and beginileig tbu "My attention has been called to thii i:tatement in yonr paper, that, at the conclusion of the meeting in Exeter Ball, when I rose to speak, Sir 'I'. Ac- land and Sir It. Inglis ordered the organ to play.' It is a pore mistake. 1 did not rise to speak ; 1 rose to go away. Notwithstanding the many and ge- neral calls made on me to speak during the businis, 3 declined to come for- ward, as the Chairman did not accede to the call: end ae whilst there was any thing to be done, 1 would nut speak without the assclit of the Chairman, 1 as- suredly hail no notion of privatcering after the war' by speaking after the business was concluded. The ordering the organ to play up, and thus botImr- ing ' the crowd that remained, was thereihre quite a gratuitous offence against the meeting rather than against me. At all event:, I can afford to laugh at my share of the insult.
" As I am on my legs,' as we say, allow ate to add, that my object in going to the meeting was to testify by my presence, and my ready cooperation, if required,) my participation in (what at least appeared to he) a great move- ment in flavour of humanity and religion. 'Whatever of partisan trick or dex- terity was in it does not affect me, who was no party to either trick or dexte- rity, but rather a victim fur so much to both."
He attended the meeting, he says, to pay respect to the illustrious Prince in the chair—to the Queen—for the sake of Ireland, &e., &c.]