A meeting of the members of the Protestant Association was
held at Exeter Hall on Wednesday. The Earl of Winchilsea presided : the most distinguished persons on the platform besides, were Lord Kenyon, AIL Sergeant Jackson, and the Reverend Sir Harcourt Lees. A peti- tion to Parliament against any further grant of money to be applied by the Committee of Council to the promotion of General Education, was unanimously adopted.
The Free Hospital, in Greville Street, Hatton Garden, which does more good to the really necessitous poor than half the other hospitals in London, as its doors are always open to want and disease without any other passport than these exhibit, has fixed the celebration of its anniversary for Wednesday next. The Marquis of Westminster will preside on this occasion, and will be supported amongst other stewards by the Duke of Norfolk, the Marquis of Lansdowne, the Marquis of Anglesea, the Earls of Dartmouth and Cadogan, Lords Southampton and Colborne, Sir lhissey Vivian, Mr. Mae:inlay, Colonel North, Ad- miral Douglas, and Mr. Charles Lushington, M.P.—Globe.
A correspondent informs us that we were in error last week in stating that the Conservatives of St. Pancras had succeeded in electing their candidates for parochial offices. "The Parochial Committee" succeeded in carrying their list, composed exclusively of Retbriners, by a majority of 1,944 to 1,441 for Vestrymen, and 1,93a to 1,312 for Auditors. The beaten party styled themselves the " Felted Liberal Association ; " but our correspondeat a«ore us that they were not Liberals, but a mixture of Tories and 'Tory-Whigs, who assumed the title of " Liberal" in the hope of gulling their fellow parishioners.
The Middlesex Magistrates sat on Wednesday, to decide upon ap- peals against rates. Mr. Bodkin and Mr. Clarkson appeared tin- Miss Burdett Colitis, who had been rated in St. M3rtin's parish fur her box in Drury Lane Theatre, which cost the late Mr. Coitus 5,000/. It was contended that this property had sever been rated. As ill fixing the sum for which Drury Lane Theatre was private boxes were ex- eluded from the valuation, it was contended for the parish that each proprietor of a box Was liable separately to pay rates upon it, as nobody. could doubt Ilse it 1VilS property to which a yearly value attached. The Chairman said this point could not be settled at Quarter-sessions, but must be refers, d to the Courts above.