121be Vrottincts.
`,The election for Cockermouth was in Mr. Rursman's favour : lie pqlled 117 votes, General Wyndham only 91. 'rho Radical Association published an address calling upon the Radical electors not to vote for a member of the Government which had persecuted the Chartists and imprisoned their leaders ; and it appears that a considerable number of voters out of this small constituency did not go to the poll. After the declaration of the numbers, a riot occurred, of which the following de- ascription is given by a Whig partisan in the Globe- " This declaration of the numbers was followed by one of the most serious affrays which, for the time it lasted, it was ever our lot to witness. The ground below the hustings was occupied on one side by that portion of General Wyncl- ham's followers whom he had hired thr the nomination on Saturday, and to whom he had been distributing drink throughout all Monday's proceedings. lco sooner did Mr. Herman conic forward to return thanks, than, at a signal from one of the General's Committee on the steps of the hustings, a furious onslaught was made at that portion of the hustings occupied by Sir. lforsman and his friends. It was evident the assailants had come prepared fur the attack, and were well provided with ammunition. The air was in a moment darkened with missiles; stones, in size and in number such as we never before witnessed, were hurled at the small band of gentlemen who were crowded together in a corner, and struck with tremendous force upon their heads and bodies ; the Tories meanwhile enjoying the scene, which the yells of the rioters made dread- ., , , , to ..... n.•„„ -Tai. Mr. Ellg, who was standing next to Mr. Ilorsmao, was knocked down oy a blow on the grant; aim it appeareu to us the whole party were in the utmost danger. The crowd up to this moment appeared paralyzed from astonishment; but the blood of Englisluben could stand this foul play no longer. The shouts of the Wvildhamites were in an instant drowned, and their triumph checked by a holaer attack upon them- selves; and those who had so lately been marks fi,r the rioters, were now inning their most vigorous assailants. A moment-my cheek was intm posed by the bearers of General Wy tolltanis colours, half-teelozen in number, who had each his pole mounted with is pike. These were used to charge the populace; but it only added to the exasperation against the party by whom these means were employed. A rush was made at General Wyndham and his friends: in a mo- ment they were dashed from the hustings; the General himself had just time to get hustled into his carriage—not, however, until he had got a severe wound on the head—and to leave the field at full gallop. heading the retreat of his routed Mllowers, who were dispersed in all directions. Several of the ringleaders have been taken into custody and committed for trial ; when it is expected that an inquiry will be made, by whose instructions their ferocity was stimulated and paid. The whole Minty did not last five mi mites ; yet the field was strewed with men whose heads were cut open, and who were lying bleeding and senseless. 4,31r. llorsman again mounted the hustings, amid loud cheers; and, holding up some of the stones that had been thrown on the hustings, and which were as large as his two lists, he remarked severely on the proceedings of the Tories, and the hollowness of General. Wyndham's professed desire to promote in every respect the happiness and welfare of the town. Ile asked whether the General'had not, on the contrary, done all he could to corrupt and debauch it, and whether the Chartist mob was brought from Carlisle, when he could not excite the rabble of Cockermouth to disturb its peace? When he can't subdue you by such means," exclaimed Mr. Borsman, • be takes the advice of his Mend; the Chair- man of the Carlisle Chartist Association ; amid seeing he cannot conquer, he is bent on revenge ; and brings to your town a hireling band of drunken ruffians, armed with pikes and missiles, and turns them loose upon you, not only dis- turbing the tranquillity of the town, but absolutely endangering the very lives of its inhabitants. There are some, I fear, who have received wounds the effects of which they will bear with them to their graves.' "The proceedings at the close of the poll have excited an ci.:versel fedkig of disgust. They who remember the worst proceedings of former days de( T;L:.e that nothing so had was attempted under the Lowthers ; and sc::eral v.ho voted for General Ws miliam say he need never show his thee at Cm:leer:math again. This ingratitude 1: the more censored, because them arc circumstances
hi the life of the iomamidate General which hod become n by his resi- dence at Cockermouth Castle, of which lie would have licArd a good deal in the course of the election, but for Mr. linesman's urgent o..d repeated inter- position with his friends to prevent their being alluded to."
Mr. Granger has offered himself as a candidate for Durham on the Liberal interest.