We recommend the following passage from a leadiug article In
the Dublin Pilot to the particular attention of Mr. Robert Mutton, M.P. for Dublin ; to whom Mr. O'Connell's connexion with the Pilot and its editor is not unknown. Whatever Mr. Hutton may fancy or say, lie is generally called O'Connell's Mender for Duldia; cud not untruly either, for O'Connell could easily turn him out. " Who ever heard of Sir. Hutton before his appointment ? His relative, in- deed was knom n as a respectable Liberal ',ember of Parliament ; but as a. man shnell possess qualities and pi ineiples hinnelf—they should have li ii tried and Lcown, or else 11.e having a. brother (cou:in) cannot enure 111111 to perform his functions usefully. Bow Mr. Hutton has keletrged them, may be judged by this—that his decisions on the test of franchito core so calculated to under- mine even the conceptions which Tories have el the privileges given by the llefium Bill, that the decisions of Mr. Button became even the jest of old Schoales. Well, after that, what can he say fcr himself? To be the scoff of old Schelde's, SCUDS to us almost the lowest point of degradation." The Connaught .Tonnted thus concludes an account of the rejoicings in Galway in celebration of the Queen's birth-day—" The people of Galway thought they could not better terminate their evening's amuse- ment than by burning the effigy of Lord Stanley ; which they dial accordingly."