The Funds have risen, and close today within 4 per cent of the highest quota- tion of the week. This upward movement has been chiefly owing to the firmness of the French Stock market, 'which had been affected in a very slight degree by the intelligence of the warlike proceedings of the Government of the United States against the Mexican Republic. It was anticipated that in Paris, as here, this intelligence would have caused a considerable depression: but as the prices both of Stock and Shares were well supported there after the American news be- came known, our own Funds grew firmer, and have experienced an improvement of about 4 per cent. The amount of business, however, has not been of much
importance. Some little activity has been manifested during the last day or two, this day having been fixed for closing the books of the Three per Cent Console, preparatory to the payment of the Dividends due in July next. Money has been in demand during the whole week; but the rate of interest has not been so high *sit was recently. But the reduction has only been made upon lams for short periods; it being difficult to obtain accommodation for any length of time unless at a considerable advance upon the ordinary rate of interest: an indication that tire anticipation of the occurrence of a pressure for money is becoming pretty general. The premium of Exchequer Bills has improved slightly.
• In the Foreign Market, the principal fluctuation has been in Portuguese Bonds; which, taking the extreme prices of last week and today, have fallen about 7 per cent. Prices had been declining the whole week, and had fallen to 52; from Which point there was an evident tendency to improvement: this was checked by the endeavours of parties to effect sales who were supposed to have received in- formation by the way of Spain in anticipation of the usual mail. From the limited state of the market the business traneacted was unimportant, but prices declined. Today, when the intelligence became generally known, the Steel fell to 50, and has since fluctuated between that price and 52, without any signs of improvement..
A meeting of the Mexican Bondholders was held yesterday, to consider the amended propositions of the Government?—to consolidate the Active and Deferred ;Debts into one Stock; the Active Bonds to be consolidated at 90 per cent, and .the Deferred at 60; the holders of the Active Stock to receive -21. 108. in cash in liquidation of all over-due dividends. These propositions were almost unani- ,niously adopted by the Bondholders assembled yesterday, after an ineffectual 'attempt at opposition had been made, upon the ground of the injustice of the pro- posed reduction in the Capital of the Debt. It would also appear that some por- tion of the Bondholders who did not attend the meeting are agitating against the scheme' upon the same ground.
The other Foreign Funds are without Material change; as are the Shares, both Foreign and English; the tendency of every description being downwards.
Coesols are today quoted withont dividend; the price of 9544, now given, being equivalent to 974 including the dividend. The market is consequently in the same state as yesterday, with but little business doing. No change or business of importance has occurred in any of the Foreign Funds. The Railway Shares are without material variation; and at present we can only record the following transactions: Caledonian, 111; Eastern !Counties, 234; Ditto, York Extension, 14; "Birmingham, 228; Ditto, Third Shares, 624; Midland, New, 314; Scottish Cen- tral, 16; South Midland, 4 din.; Staines and Richmond, i; Warwick and London, 4 die.; Boulogne and Amiens, 11; Central of Spain, 14; East Indian, 4.
Sivriansv, Two o'CLook.
The in has been so trifling as not to afford any room for remark. Prices both of Foreign and 'English Securities are the same; with the exception of Portuguese, which continue depressed, and after being done at 52 and 50, are -nominally quoted at 49 to 51 at the dose. The Railway Shares are the same as In the morning; scarcely any transactions having taken place. Caledonian, Ili; • Edinburgh and Glasgow, Half-shares, 17; Great Western, Quarter shares, 164; London and Birmingham, 2284; Ditto, Thirds, 624; London and Greenwich, 95; South-eastern and Dover, 394; Ditto, New, No. 2, 134; Ditto, No. 8, 184; Bou- logne and Amiens,114; Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Cette, (Espelete's,) 14; Luxem- bourg, 14; Orleans and Bordeaux, 10 94; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 64.
3 per Cent Consols shut Colombian ex Venezuela .. 16 17 Ditto for Account 95/ 4 Danish 3 per Ceuta 87 9 3 per Cent Reduced 951 1 Dutch 21 per Cents 591 601 31 per Cents
Ditto 4 per Cents 911 21 Long Annuities 10 11-I6 5-16 Moslem 5 per Cents 291 1 Bank Stock
Ditto Deferred
las 171 Exchequer Bills— • +rent.
16 21 Portuguese New 5 p. C,ts. 1841 50 52 India S•ock abut Ditto 4 per Cents 1545 50 62 -Brazilian 5 per Cents St 4 Russian 6 per Cents 109 III Bebdan 41 per Cents 96 98 Spanish (Active) S perCenta 241
Chinon u per cents
95 97
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842