Our readers will remember " the Edtnunds' scandal," the state-
ments which some months since obtained general currency that Mr. Leonard Edmunds, Clerk of the Patents, had misappropriated Crown fees. The Crown sued hint in the Vice-Chancellor's Court, and on Tuesday Sir G. M. Giffard gave judgment, ordering Mr. Edmunds to give an account, and to repay certain fees to the Exchequer. The Vice-Chancellor, however, pronounced the case one of great hardship, the Act being obscure, and Mr. Edmunds having twice applied for an audit in vain, refused to decree costs against him, and in the most emphatic manner twice over declared that Mr. Edmunds had disproved every imputation oast upon his character. Mr. Edmunds has fought for his character with great nerve and judgment, and doubtless values his acquittal on that score much more than the loss of money which, according to the original evidence, he partly deserved, for going so little to his office.