6 JUNE 1931, Page 18


In 1926 you raised a Special Fund for us through your columns which realized the splendid result of £550. This year we are sharing in the general depression, and are having to disappoint numbers of children all over London ; for, unless we can get further prospect of help, we must confirm our estimates this year for much lower grants to all our local committees. Yet, owing to these same depressing conditions in so many homes, the need of the holiday in the country for the children from crowded London rooms is greater than ever. In these circumstances, I have been asked by the Executive Committee of the Fund to enquire if you could possibly see your way again to make this special appeal on our behalf.—FRANCIS MORRIS, Chairman, Children's Country Holidays Fund, 18 Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C.2.

[We regret that we cannot again undertake to raise a fund, but we most heartily commend this cause to all our readers, and hope that many may be able to send donations to the address given by the Chairman.—En. Spectator.]