Sra,—With reference td the article Stratford, 1947, mentioning Romeo and Yuliet, which was published in The Spectator of May 9th, we, the undersigned, should like to object very strongly to the criticism which Compared the production with "Postman's Knock." We saw the play recently, prepared, after reading your criticism, to dislike it ; but, con- trary to our expectations, we were enthralled by the air of youthfulness which pervaded throughout ; this does not usually accompany this play. In Juliet, .Shakespeare depicts for us the first love of an adolescent, and It is but natural that this part should be taken by a young girl as fresh and unspoilt as Daphne Slater. Laurence Payne is an ideal Romeo and together they are a delightfully refreshing couple who bring to life the tragedy of the love-story of Shakespeare's unparalleled characters. Even if this letter is not published, we have the satisfaction of having voiced