6 MARCH 1847, Page 11

A Cabinet Council was held at the Foreign Office yesterday

afternoon. The Chancellor of the Exchequer was absent, from indisposition.

The popular armament in Ireland again shows signs of revival: there has been a very extensive sale of fire-arms at Clonmel, and the trade in North Riding is described to be flourishing.

Some resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Roman Catholic clergy of the diocese of Tnam, held at Ballinrobe on the 2d instant, in which it was de- termined to petition for the dismissal of "the heartless and creel Ministry, whose policy, unparalleled for indifference to human life," has brought Ireland to the verge of destruction. The resolutions proceed to declare, that unless the people can get Seed to sow their fields, and be supplied with food while the crops are growing, " different from the degrading and demoralizing soup of Sir Randolph Routh," there is no hope for the country. One of the resolutions runs thus—" That the alien spirit and alien feeling now exhibited through alien functionaries, in carry- ing on the public works in our country, affords a melancholy proof of the hatred to Ireland, and contempt of its people, that have characterized the present as well as all other alien Ministers:

The accounts received last night from London give a most favourable account of the progress of amendment of the health of Mr. O'Connell.—Dublin Evening Post, Thursday.

A notice has been issued by the Provost and Head Master of Eton, formally stating, " that the abolition of Montem has been erroneously represented to be still an open question. The custom was abolished in January last, by the Provost of Eton, in entire concurrence with the Head Master; when her Majesty the Queen had graciously left to their sole responsibility the decision of a question upon which they had fully made up their minds, after the strongest conviction that the evils attendant upon blontem were irremediable, and much too serious to admit of a continuance of that custom."