AKetTim--At Gravesend, 28th Feb., Iris, Starkings, from Mauritius. In the Downs, 1st March, Helena, Eyre, from China. In the Channel, John Bibby, —; and Soft nauth. Skinner, from China ; and Serbigapatam, Furnell, from Calcutta. At Liverpool; 28th Feb., Orixa, Christian, from Singapore; and Hannah Salkeld, Robertson, from Calcutta. In the Clyde, 26th, Ellen, Roger, from China ; and 3d March, Hamlet M'Laren, from Mauritius. At Cork. 25th Feb., Marmion, Bell, from Ceylon ; and 26th' Sir H. Hard:nee.from Calcutta ; and Tynwald, Harmer, from Mauritius. A' Bombay, previous to 1s—, t Feb., John Edward, Kell; and Scotia, Strickland, from Lent don ; Bell, Mitchell ; Lord HardInge, Treacy ; and Troubadour, Graham, from Liver- pool ; Palmyra, Campbell, from the Clyde ; and Chance, Cord. from Hull. At Madras- 224 Jan., Zenobla, Brown, from Bideford. At Calcutta, previous to 21st Jan , Hydera-. bad, APDonald, from London ; Penang, Hawkins, from Liverpool ; and Nlle, Macfar- lane• from the Clyde.
SAILED—From Gravesend, 26th Feb., Greonlaw, Owen, for Madras ; 1st March, Windsor. Gregeon, for Calcutta ; and 4th, Glenbervie, Fullerton, for Sydney ; and Mo- narch, Daucanson, for Bombay.