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FRANCE. —The leading subject in the Paris papers of the week is the reconciliation between M. Guizot and Lord Normanby. The manner of bringing it about is narrated by the correspondent of the 3forning Chronicle- " Lord Normanby waited upon Count d'Appony, [the Austrian Ambassador at Paris, 1 and stated that he regretted that any personal difference between him and M. Guizot should prevent him from meeting .1&)7Goninlot upon public business; and he empowered Count d'Appony to say so to that Minister; but he did not authorize him to go any further, unless M. Guizot should in the first place declare that he did not, in his speech of the 5th of February, mean to throw any imputation on the reports sent by Lord Normanby to his Government of what took place in his in- terview with M. Guizot on the 25th of September. Count d'Appony accordingly waited upon M. Guizot, and delivered his message; upon which M. Guizot at once declared, that he had never intended in any way to inculpate the good faith and veracity of Loral Normanby. " Count d'Appony then and not till then, atated upon the part of Lord Nor- manby, that it was true dna the invitation to his party was sent to Id. Guizot by mistake; that the mistake had taken place from the invitations having been made .nut from an old list, and without any communication with Lord Normanby; but that his Lordship had never intended to withdraw the invitation when once sent, or expressed any intention to that effect.
" Mutual explanations having thus been made upon both sides, the meeting took place at the house of Count d'Appony, at which the reconciliation was com- pleted." Don Enrique arrived at Toulon on the 21st February. A royal salute was the only mark of attention that he received.
Panssts.—The King is following up his liberal measures. Permission has been given to form a sort of national or civic guard, for the purposes of police in case of disturbances. Another law gives to the Prussian Finance Minister the control of calls made by railway companies.
The Queen of Prussia, recently in a dangerous state of health, is con- valescent.
Seam—Spanish papers and letters are full of rumours indicating un- easiness in the provinces. Carlist demonstrations are frequent. On the 16th February, the town of Guysona was surprised and held for a few hours by a Carlist band. The Clams. Publico declares that Cabrera is in Spain, and active; the Heraldo denies it.
A frontier dispute has arisen between the French and Spanish. On the 26th, a French vessel was stranded in the river Bida.ssoa, near the French hank. General Harispe, commander at Iran, had been ordered to seize the vessel; the Spaniards claiming the whole river from bank to bank. The French claim half of the river, in the usual way; and a body of soldiers had been sent from Bayonne to make a demonstration. Mean- while, the Spanish flag had been hoisted on board the ship; and the dis- putants remained angrily looking at each other.
GREECE.-31. Massurus, the Turkish Ambassador, has been withdrawn from Athens. He had refused to sign a passport for a Greek who had taken part in a hostile expedition against the Turkish provinces in 1841; the King publicly and angrily reproached M. Massurus; the Ambassador applied to the King's constitutional adviser, the Minister Coletti, for redress; it was refused; and the Porte has noticed the insult by ordering its repre- sentative to withdraw.
1m:q.t.—The accounts from Bombay brought by the anticipatory ex- press extend to the 1st of February. The Governor-General, having regulated the Government of the Pun- jaub, had left Colonel Lawrence as resident, and Sir John Littler at the head of the British forces; and he departed from Lahore on the 11th of January, on a progress along the left bank of the Sutlej through the pro- tected Sikh states. A few days before his departure, Lord Hardinge gave a dinner to the officers of the Lahore garrison; at which, in proposing the health of Sir John Littler, he spoke in the most eulogistic tunas of that officer's services.
The tranquillity of Lahore has determined the Indian Government to diminish the Native forces by about 35,000 men. The reduction is to be effected by ceasing to recruit until the regiments are reduced from 1,000 to 800 men each.
A sum of 250,0001. is to be spent annually for four years on the com- pletion of the Ganges Canal. It is expected that in a few years about. 8,000,000 acres of land will thus be rendered productive.
Mr. G. R. Clerk, the new Governor of Bombay, arrived there on the 23d of January, and had assumed the reins of government. Akbar Khan was reported to have made himself master of Candabar. He had attacked the chiefs and made prisoners of them. The health of Dost Mahomed was said to be fast giving way. The British vakeel had succeeded in recovering several British subjects who had been left behind as prisoners in the great retreat—entirely Na- tives, it would appear, from the mode of mentioning them. Some of them had since married in Afghanistan, and deserted on the march to the fron-
There was no news of any moment from Scinde. Sir Charles Napier was to leave Kurrachee in the beginning of February, for Hyderabad.