6 MARCH 1852, Page 7

irrtigt Culunial.

FBA...veu.—The result of the elections for Paris was published on Wed- "day ; that of the remaining elections throughout France is still only pertly known. In the capital, the Government carried seven out of the nine candidates it proposed ; but it was beaten most significantly, (if, as some say, with equal significance in another sense, it did not purposely snow itself to be beaten,) by General Cavaignae, in the third electoral district ; and in the fourth, M. Carnet, the Opposition candidate, polled the greatest number of votes, and.failed in beating the Government can, dilate only through not getting half the whole number of votes polled, Dr. Wren was triumphantly returned. for the ninth district. Of the pro- vincial elections, it was known in Paris on Wednesday, that nearly every Government candidate had been successful.

The decree for organizing those establishments of "credit foneier" which were promised by the confiscation decrees, and prospectively en- dewed out of the Orleans property, has appeared in the Koniteur. So far as it is explained, it appears to be a system for lending the capital of the state, or for sanctioning loans by private associations, whose formation is authorized and is to he encouraged, to owners-of land on easier terms. than they can obtain sueh loans in the public money-market. Prelimi- nary investigations are said to have proved that the average rate of loans on 'propriete fonciere," which is nearly equivalent to our English law- term real property," has been at least 8 per cent, including the expenses of registration-fees, copying, inscription, renewal, receipts, &c. Thees- tablishments of credit foncier will make their loans at the rate of 4i per cent for interest and I per cent for management; but in addition, they will demand a payment of 2 per cent towards a sinking-fund for the gradual extinction of the debt. The borrower will, therefore get his loan at an average reduction of 3 per, cent for interest, &e. ; but he will have the new compulsory burden imposed on him, of paying nearly as much per annum as will restore the old rate of'in- terest, in the shape of redemption-money. For those who are succumbing under the existing rates, the advantage will be scarcely more than nominal : for those who are bearing up under the existing rates,. and yearly paying their interest punctually, the measure will have also little more than a nominal advantage; for such persons might as easily redeem their property by accumulating the redemption-fund in their own hands as by accumulating it in those of others. It seems therefore to be a contrivance for lending money to land- owners at one per cent below the present average rates with spe- cial securities for the. repayment of the advance to the fender. But there are two additional features : the lender, Whether he be the state or some private association, will have new powers of sale ; and he will have, certain specified cases, the power to transfer his security for sale or loan, by simple endorsement and delivery. On the other hand„ he will lose the power of foreclosure, common to ordinary mortgages. The plan, therefore, seems to be one uniting some of the features of the German land-loan system, some features of the mode in which we in England have made Government advances for public works and land-improvement, and some of those of the ordinary mode which the commercial world has de- vised for the simple transfer of banking flinds-or stored merchandise.

French correspondence describes a new revolntiona7 project of the Vanrper, as sweeping as any yet conceived by him. It lei said that there is already prepared-a scheme for subjeetieg the whole edneational

nary of the natien to the Jesuits. The, whole of the present system of public instruction is.to be suppressed. The College of France, and even the Faculty of Letters, is to be abolished'; the Ministry of Public Instruc- tion is to be done away with; and the whole department of education is to be made a subordinate division in the department of the Minister of the Interior. We have already seen somewhat of how far the department of the Interior is destined to be absorbed in the new department of Police. The effect of the proposed change- will be the total sweeping away of the, permanent mod supreme Council of Publio Inspection, under which the, direction of the University was placed under the guidance of such men as MM. Thiers, Mole, Montalembert, Falloux, Vatimesnil, and the Arch- bishop of Paris. Details of the proposed chtingea are thus sketched by the correspondent of the Morning Chronick —

"The whole of the Colleges. (or Iffeeea, as they are now called) in Paris will be placed under the surveillance of the Minister of the Interior, and those in the departments nnder-the surveillance of the Prefects. The 'Corn- munalColleges will be placed under the Councils of the Arrondissements, and the Primary Instructors will be made dependent on the Councils of the (lominunes. As respects the ecclesiastical secondary establishments, they are to be placed exclusively under the surveillance of the Bishops ; a conces- sion by which Louis Napoleon hopes to gain the sympathies of the Church. The Abbe Daniel, rector of Caen, is to be appointed one of the Inspectors- General ; who will be charged with the periodical inspection of all the Ly- tees and other educational establishments (with the exception of the ecclesi- astical establishments) throughout France."

This scheme seems to be a portion of the service to the TJltramontane party, by which the President has been trying to gain over such men as Montalembert. It is said that Montalembert has been seared at the ex- tent of the bribe ; that he distrusts it, or fears the effect of accepting it on the IT1tramontane party itself. He is understood to have declared that the importance imparted by it to the clerical body is too great, and that some day a spirit of reaction will be evoked, which may end, by depriving that body of more than they will have gained.

M. Becher was tried on Wednesday, by the Tribunal of First Instance, for his breaoh of the laws against sedition and against unlicensed hawk- ing. M. Odilon Barrot made "a prodigious sensation" by his speech for the defence ; but M. Boeher was convicted, and was fined 500 francs.

SWITZERLA1111.—The sinister projects of Austria and France are said to be modified. The statement that they have agreed to a convention lay- ing down terms for the military occupation of the canton of the Teseino by Austria, and of Geneva and the Canton de Yawl by France, is now denied. It is said that when Lord Palmerston fell, Louis Napoleon thought the removal of the element of his European unpopularity from Continental politics would make the game of aggression against Switzer-

land too hazardous ; so he suggested a project, to which Austria has ac- ceded, of a commercial blockade round the Oonfixleration. But this plan needs the concurrence of Piedmont, and in Piedinout English influence is said to be great ; so the new scheme has some difficulties in its way.

Grointaisv.—The Emperor of Austria left Vienna on the 25th February, for Trieste and Venice, to greet the Grand Prince of Ruasia. His dem parture was unexpected and private.

The Second Chamber of Wurtemberg, in its sitting of the 26th Pelage/ ary, adopted, by 54 votes to 32, resolutions declaring that the fundamental rights prociaiined.by the If gimlet Assembly of Frankfort continue to have legal force in the kingdom, and can only be abolished in the form pre- feinted by the Constitution. The Chamber rejected, by 66 votes to 20, a resolution protesting against certain measures of the Germanic Diet; and it rejected, by 48 votes to 38, a motion relative to the dissolution of the Chamber in 1850. M. de Plessen, after these votes, made a declare, that in the name of the Government, that the Chamber would probably be dissolved.

The journals contain accounts, from nearly every part of Germany, of great distress through dearth of provisions. In Lithuania, bands of from thirty to forty individuals overrun the coun- try, and carry off by force whatever cereals they can find on the farms. detachment of dragoons had been sent from Tilsit. Thirty persons have been arrested, and conducted to Konigsberg. In Upper Silesia, and more particu- larly in the circle of Rybniker, sickness and death have so increased that the clergy are unequal to the duties of visitation and burial imposed upon them. It is feared that the hunger-fever of 1847 and in despair; beTriedn.ewehd. Ober- heed MttattuarZurIneaF°`" ,are emigrating with priest schgolniosater, in the left the

country. The same thing has been repeated in the duchy of 'Gotha. The Government has bought the village, and is taking down the houses. In the Odenwald, in Hesse, the pressure is so great that the Government has sent troops thither, fearing an insurrection. Not long ago, Prussia was the gra- nary from which the Low Countries, France, and England, drew supplies; and today France is exporting corn to Prussia by sea and land. The Em- peror of Russia has ordered the free admission into his dominions of low- priced flour and meal.

At Berlin, on the 2d instant, the Minister of Finance announced that the duties of entry on importation of corn, flour, and vegetables, are sus- pended for all the States of the Zollverein till the 31st of August.

INbLA..—An electric message from Trieste informed London on Monda7 that the overland mail was bringing home news of the beginning of

ties against the King of Ave hy the Rangoon expedition : our ships had been attacked, and in return we had demolished batteries and killed 300 of the Burmese troops. Fuller despatches in anticipation of the mail arrived in London through France yesterday, and their tenour is not quite- in accordance with the first report.

The new Viceroy arrived at Rangoon on the 6th of January. Imme. diately, British subjects were again insulted ; and the late Governor, whose deeds had occasioned our remonstrane8, was taken into favour. A polite request by Commodore Lambert for an interview was at first derided and then flatly refused ; a deputation from the Commodore was told that the Viceroy was asleep, and that further intercourse from the ships must cease. On the 6th, British subjects were warn- ed by Commodore Lambert to go on board the ships for safety: sixty, who staid to save their property, were seized by the Viceroy and cast into prison. The ships crossed to the opposite side of the river, and prepared in go out to sea. On the 9th, the Viceroy warned Commo- dore Lambert, that if he should attempt to move down the river, he would be fired on from the stockaded forts. On the 10th, the Fox moved doyen the river, and anchored abreast the threatening forts ; and while she was in that position, one of the steamers brought down as a prize a Burmese man-of-war. The fort opened its fire on the steamer ; and the Fox replied with such vigour, that the enemy were dispersed, after some three hundred were killed. The squadron then passed down, and reached theses. Commodore Lambert established a blockade of the river ports of Burmah, as he had been provisionally instructed by the Governor-Gene- ral of India, and set out for Calcutta "for further orders." A Calcutta letter says—" We are now in the midst of active preparations for a cam- paign, which cannot be fairly commenced until October • by which time a reinforcement of steamers may be received from England, should this be deemed requisite." There is nothing more definite known of the Scinde expedition against Ali Moored of Khyrpore : it is thought that he will yield at the last mo- ment.

Pinum.—The Prussian Moniteur. publishes a telegraphic despatch, dated Trebizond, February-8, stating that the recently dismissed Grand Vizier of Persia, Mirza-Taghi-Khan, had been put to death by order of the Shah. He was taken to a bath, where several of his veins were opened, and he was suffered to bleed to death. The Government then seized his immense treasures.