Partnerships Dissolred.-Fitch and Skeet, Rood Lane, Fenchurch Street, pro- vision-merchants-Evershed and Whitcombe, or Whitcombe and Evershed, Gos- port, soap-makers-Bell and Martin, Greek Street, importers of French boots- Fades and Gibson, Manchester, commission-agents-B. and E. G. Simpson, Leven Bridge, Yorkshire, millers-Morris and Sons, Tipton and Wednesbury, Stafford- shire, iron-masters-Spark and Co. Darlington and elsewhere, coal-merchants- Nightingale and Felsenthal, Albion Place, London Wall, manufacturers of brass cornices-Wilson and Co. Manchester, joiners-Newbould junior and Co. Salford, near Manchester, type-founders-Yuill and Co. Ewell, Surrey, bleachers ; as far as regards J. Yuill-Steward and Riley, Dewsbury, masons-Seaman and Lansdown, Plymouth, linen-drapers-Woodfull and Gimber, Aldermanbury, stationers-Eddie- ton and Clough, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, attorneys-Nevill and Co. Gresham Street West, manufacturerers of hosiery-Klingender, Brothers, Liverpool, mer- chants-M‘Lellan and Co. Liverpool, coal-agents ; as far as regards E. C. Friend- Brice and Co. Liverpool, merchants ; as far as regards J. P. Brice-Gripper and Co. Basford, Nottinghamshire, and elsewhere, brick-makers-Turner and Henderson, Birmingham, brass-founders-Hillam and Inglis, Catherine Court, Seething Lane, Customhouse-agents-Lury, Brothers, Southampton, corn-merchants-Crowther and Wood, Huddersfield, cotton-warp-manufacturers-Lucas and Buckenham, Ramsden Crays, Essex, and elsewhere, Itgricultural machinists-Smith and Co. Eastcheap, merchants-Bouillon and Harrison, Birmingham, pork-butchers-Rees and Greenhalgh, Union Street, Southwark, ink-manufacturers-De Gonna and Co. -The Hepworth Iron Works Company, Hepworth, Yorkshire ; as far as regards J. H. Hebblethwaite.
Bankruptcy Annulled.-Jonn BROAD/1E1CP, Manchester, umbrella-manufacturer. Bankrupts.-Gsoacc WATKINS WATTS, Red Lion Place, Giltspur Street, cheese- monger, to surrender March 12, April 16: solicitors, Linklater and Rackwood, Walbrook ; official assignee, Carman, Aldermanbury. 'WILLIAM 1LN7FPIDELL, Bow, victualler, March 11, April 16: solicitors, Suer and Gribble, Abchurch Lane • official assignee, Cannon, Aldermanbury. RICHARD ROWLAND, Chertsey, inn-keeper, March 11, April 23: solicitor, Billing, King Street, Cheapside ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury. GEORGE and SARAH PENSTON, Penton Row, Walworth Road, ironmongers, March 12, April 23: solicitor, Robinson, Ironmonger Lane ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
Jumes Homan, Russia Row, Milk Street, Cheapside, clothier, March II, April 16: solicitors, Depree and Austen, Lawrence Lane, Cheapside ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury. Tnomas Sithanarr, White Horse Street, Stepney, flour-factor, March 11, April 15 : solicitors, Vandercorn and Co. Bush Lane, Cannon Street ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.
HENRY Beasss, Mountnessing' Essex, milkman, March 15, April 19: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
MICHAEL COLLIER, Witney, Oxfordshire, yarn-manufacturer, March 16, Am1113 solicitor, Havener, Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Lee, Alder- manbury. Joan ALLEN, Oldbury, Worcestershire, corn-dealer,March 13, April 8: solicitors, Southall and Nelson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Kinnear, Birmingham.
James Wiswoo, Barnsley, glass-bottle-manufacturer, March 22, April 19: Tyas and Harrison, Barnsley ; Cariss and Cudworth, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds. • Seurat Gri.s., Sheffield, cutlery-manufacturer, March 13, April 24: solicitor, Broadbent, Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield. Hamar Joisss, Sheffield, brass-founder, March 13, April 22: solicitor, Fretson, Sheffield ; official asaignee, Brewin, Sheffield.
STEPHEN Lana, Liverpool, shipwright, March 18, April 8: solicitor, Yates junior, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool.
Como' M`Caixas, Liverpool, and Prince Edward's Island, ship-chandler, March 19, April 1: solicitors, Neal and Martin, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liver- pool.
JOHN Loarirsa, Rochdale, grocer, March 19, April 15: solicitor, Sutton, Man- chester; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester. Sampson SRELLEY, Manchester, power-loom cloth-manufacturer, March 15, April 13: solicitors, Cooper and Sons, Manchester ; official assignee, Pott, Man- chester, Dividends.-March 23, Davies, Bread Street Bill, clothier-March 24, Tredennick, Haymarketmining-broker-March 25,C. H. and J. E. Tugman, Great Tower Street, provision-merchants-March 25, Todd, Pancras Lane, City, warehouseman-March 25, Thomas, Catherine Street, Strand, publisher-March 25, Paton, Bread Street, warehouseman-March 23, Linnit, Burners Street, jeweller-March 25, Clough, Ox- ford Street, hosier-March 23, W. and II. Wellstead, Molyneux Street and Should- ham Street, Bryanstone Square, cabinet-makers-March 23, Slee, Loughborough, manufacturer of hosiery-March 22, White, Handsworth, Staffordshire, chemist- March 26, Williams, Newport, Monmouthshire, banker-March 23, Lace and Ad- dison, Liverpool, printers-March 25, Higginson and Deane Liverpool, merchants -March 23, Dolphin, Hunter House, Blachland, Durham, banker. Certificates to be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.-March 26, Claxton, Dovercourt, Essex, victualler-March 25, Batters, Throgmorton Street, stock-broker-March 23, C. and J. H. Mosley. Catherine. Street, news-agents-March 25, Pearson, Calthorpe Place, Gray's Inn Road, iron- monger-March 25, Webb, Park Terrace, Camden Town, cheesemonger-March 24, Wolfe, Woolwich, corn-chandler-March 25, Nunn, Regent Circus, and Scar- borough, laceman-March 24, Johnson, High Street, Notting Hill, furniture-dealer -March 24. Scruby, Bishop's Stortford, grocer-March 24, Mason, Sunderland and Tynemoutb, printer-March 23, Braceprdle, Leftwich. Cheshire, timber-merchant -March 24, Cooke, Liverpool, hatter-March 24, Baker, Liverpool, ship-broker- March 29, Reaston, Filey, Yorkshire, lodging-housekeeper-March 30, Metcalfe, Biclunond, Yorkshire, tailor-Match 29, Meorhouse, Howson, Gisburn, Yorkshire,
cotton-spinner-March 23, Cockcroft, Halifax, pickle-maker-March 24, Shaw, Hull, draper.
Declarations of Dicidends.-Hart, Charlotte Street, Blackfriara, hat-manufac- turer; first div. of Is. 8d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Nash junior, Great Dover Street, Southwark, brush-manufacturer ; first div. of 2s. 2id. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-White, New Corn Exchange, and elsewhere, corn-merchant ; first div. of Is. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basuighall Street-Kindred, Framlinghatu, Suffolk, miller; first div. of 2s. on Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Edwards, Basinghall Street-Potter, Ellerburn, grocer ; second div. of 10d. any day ; Young, Leeds-Craven, Leeds, corn-fac- tor; first div. of 10d. any day ; I oung, Leeds-Sissons York, grocer ; first div. of Is. 6d. any day ; Young, Leeds-Minchin, Newport, Milliner ; div. of Is. 5d. any Wednesday ; Acraman, Bristol-Davies, Swansea, draper ; div. of 2s. any Wednes- day; Miller, Bristol-Williams, Aberdare, brewer ; div. of 10d. any Wednesday ; Miller, Bristol-Rees, Glastonbury, stationer; second div. of 4d. any Wednesday ; Miller, Bristol. Batch Seguestrations.-Freckleton, Glasgow, hat-manufacturer, March 9-Sloss, Ayr, ironmonger, March 10-Ford, Perth, manager of the Perth New Gaslight Company, March 11-Watson, Port Glasgow, ship-builder, March 10-Neilson, Glasgow, builder, March 9-Allan, Inverkeithney, Banffshire, farmer, March 11.
PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 5. Partnerships Dissoleed.-J. and T. Morris, Wentnor, Shropshire, maltsters- Reynell and Weight, Little Pulteney Street, St. James's, printers-Legeudre and Co.-Bellingham and Co. Queen's Road, Dalston, distillers; as far as regards J. Bellingham junior-Wigtield and Co. Iloyland Nether, Barnsley, maltsters ; as far as regards It. and W. Wigfield-Yule and Co. Postern Row, Minories, ship-pro- vision-merchants ; as far as regards A. Robertson-Beard and Combridge, Brighton, riding-masters-J. and D. B. Haddon, Castle Street, City Road, printers -Buckley and Turner. Rochdale, cotton-manufacturers-Harding and Spurgeon, Derby, cheese-factors-Weeny and Co. Manchester, commission-merchanfs-Wad- dington and Co. Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, chemical-manufacturers-Kaye and Kirkheaton, Yorkshire, chemists-Nuttall and Whitehead, Rochdale, cotton-dealers-E. and T. Lloyd, Liverpool, omnibus-proprietors-Porritt and Co. Stubbins Vale, Ranishotton, Manchester, woollen-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Porritt-Kiug and Hart, Edward Street, Portman Square, and Brighton, lamp- manufacturers-llartoch and Co. Liverpool, cordial-manufacturers-Dickeson and Harcourt, Drury Lane, coach-ironmongers-Lupton and Co. Leeds, cloth-mer- chants; as far as regards A. Lupton-Garman and Bulling, Litcham, Norfolk, gro- cers-Holmes and Smith, Chesterfield and Nottingham, machine-builders-Salt and Day, Birmingham, leather-goods-manufacturers-French and Co. Norwich, crape- manufacturers-Wade and Sons, Calverley, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturers- Thomas and Hobbs, New Road and Cannon Street Road, St. George's-in-the-East, watch-makers-Fletcher and Co. Birminghani, tube-manufacturers ; as far as re- gards G. T. Green-Bald and Rata, Manchester, merchants-Adams and Co. Rutherglen, Glasgow, paper-manufacturers ; as far as regards A. Adams. Bankruptcy Annulled.-JON.STBLAN WAITE, Guiseley,Yorkshire, woollen-manu- facturer.
Bankrupts.-Wru.Lui DaTrox, Watling Street, grocer, to surrender March 19, April 23 : solicitor, Keighley, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street. FREDERICK WILLIAM MARTIN, late of Ludgate Street, tobacconist, March Li, April 19: solicitors, Newbon and Co. Wardrobe Place ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street. Junius GABORIAN SHEPHERD, Halstead, Essex, brick-maker, March 18, April 16: solicitors, Lawranee and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Lee, Alder- manbury. MArrnias TOLDORPU, Seething Lane, merchant, March 15, April 19: solicitor, Nicholson, Lime Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
Sanov.h Canes, Lime Street, and Coburg Place, Kennington Lane, timber-mer- chant, March 16, April 13: solicitors, Pocock and Poole, Bartholomew Close; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street.
JUDAH GOLDBERG, Brick Lane, Whitechapel, boot-manufacturer, March 16, April 16: solicitor, De Medina, Broad Street Buildings ; official assignee, Edwards, Basinghall Street.
Hr-srny Mums, Bread Street Hill, sewed-muslin-warehouseman, March 16, April 15: solicitors, Mason and Sturt, Gresham Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street.
EDWARD STOBART, Edgeware Road, mourning-warehouseman, March 16, April 15: solicitor, Cridland, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street.
RICHARD ETPLES Toimemost jun. Birmingham, stationer, March 20, April 10 solicitors, Rowley and Son, Manchester ; Harrison and Wood, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham. JANES CHANDLER, Stroud, Gloucestershire, inn-keeper, March 22, Apri120: soli- citors, Sheard and Baker, Cloak Lane ; Whining, ton and Gribble, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol. DAVID JAMES Lgins, Cardiff, boot-maker, March 16, April 13: solicitors, Brit- tain and Son, Bristol ; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol. JAMES, JOSEPH, WILLIAM, and LIME Straw, Elland, Yorkshire, woollen-manu- faenwers, March 19, April 23 : solicitors, Scholes and Son, Dewsbury; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds. Jolts KATE, Huddersfield, inn-keeper, March 19, April 23: solicitor, Clarke, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds. W ix.mais CHAPMAN HAIGH, Bradford, Yorkshire, wool-stapler, March 22, April 19: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; Taylor, Bradford ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds. Joins SHARP, Tickhill, Yorkshire, inn-keeper, March 27, May 1: solicitors, Pop- plewell, Tiekhill; Clarke, Leeds ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield. W ILLIAM NEWHOELD SEATON, Sheffield, table-knife-manufacturer, March 20, May 1: solicitor, Fernell, Sheffield ; official assignee, Brewin, Sheffield. Tuomss LENNET, North Shields, boot-manufacturer, March 17, April 27: solici- tors, Lowrey, North Shields ; Hodge and Berle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official as- signee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Divielends.-March 29, Read, Lower Whitecross Street, Cripplegate, carpenter- March 29, Smallpiece, Guildford and Aldershott, currier-March 26, Gough, River Terrace, Islington, timber-merchant-March 26, Rolfe and Moore, Sackville Street, tailors-March 27, Larking, Ipswich, inn-keeper-March 27, Ellis, Hendon, Mid- dlesex, and Royal Exchange Buildings, stock-broker-March 27, Inglis, Basinghall Street, merchant-March 26, Bryan, Dyer's Buildings, Holborn. electro-plater- March 27, Lockwood, Wakefield, chemist-March 26, French, Winchester, corn- merchant-March 26, Easturi, Clapham Road Place, Clapham Road, builder-March 20, Bennett, Great Newport Street, grocer-March 26, Rogers, Orchard Street, Harrow Road, mason-March 26, Davies, Newport, Monmouthshire, currier- April 9, Statham, Liverpool, attorney-March 26, Fleetwood, Liverpool, grocer- March 29, Veitch, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, musicseller-March 26, Speeding, Sun- derland, rope-manufacturer-March 27, Wheeler, Hereford, miller-March 29, Si- numite, Birmingham, iron-plate-worker-March 29, S. and S. T. Bache, Binning- ham, jewellers-March 27, J. 0. and W. H. Boon, Birmingham, silversmiths- March 26. Oldfield and Co. Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-merchants-March 26, Freeman, Bradford and Kildwick, Yorkshire, wool-top-maker-March 26, Parkin- son, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner-March 26, W. and G. Crossley, Ellen& Yorkshire, cotton-spinners-March 27, Wrag:g senior, Sheffield, cutlery-manufae- turer-March 27, Banks and Dawson, Sheffield, brewers-April 8, Sayer, Bristol, corn-factor-April 9, Longton, Liverpool, ship-broker. Certificates to be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.-March 26, Hinckley junior, Brentwood, corn-dealer-March 27, White, Aldermanbury, lace-warehouseman-March 27, Johnston, Blither Square, merchant -March 26, Edser, Vincent Square, builder-March 26, Lamprell, Long Lane, City, carpenter-March 26, Lucas, Queen Street, Cheapside, chemist-March 26, Hub- bard, Queen's Road, Haverstock 11111, builder-March 26, Horton, Well Street, South Hackney, grocer-March 29, Gurling, Praed Street, Paddington, carpenter- March 29, C. and J. 31. Mosley, Catherine Street, Strand, news-agents-March 26, Jones, Pentonville, and Beak Street, Regent Street, gas-fitter-April 12, M'Bean, Pillgwenlly, Newport, Monmouthshire, shoe-maker-March 26, M'Cartney, South Shields, provision-merchant-March 26, Credland, Hulme, Lancashire, builder- March 26, E. and A. Eccles, Liverpool, cotton-brokers-March 26, J. and J. Fearnley, Brighouse, Yorkshire, silk-dressers-March 26, C. and T. Topham, Wakefield, dyers-March 26, Gregory, Halifax, grocer. Declarations of Dividends.-Martin and Scott, Great St. Helen's, merchants; third div. of 4.1d. any Monday; Cannan, Aldennanbury-Titcombe, Clewer, Berk- shire, builder ; second div. of 31d. any Monday ; Cannan, Aldermanbury-Westley, Playhouse Yard, bookbinder ; third div. of lid. Wednesday next; Lee, Alderman- bury-Burt, St. Stephen's, by Launceston, Cornwall, builder ; first div. of Is. 10d. any Tuesday or Friday ; Eirtzell, Exeter-Minifie, Honiton, Devonshire, baker ; first div. of Is. Id. any Tuesday or Friday ; Hirtsell, Exeter-Bramwell, Glossop Derbyshire, grocer ; first div. of 4s. 8 13-16d. any Tuesday ; Putt, Manchester- Clare, Ashton-under-Lyne, grocer ; first div. of 4s. 31d. any Tuesday; Pott, Man- chester-Raynes ; first div. of Is. 8d. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool-Farrell ; sixth div. of 3s. 7d. any Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool. Scotch Sequestrationa.-M•Gee, Glasgow, Nat-maker, March 15-Jamieson, Glasgow, timber-merchant, March 11-Aird, Dowies Mill, Craniond Bridge, Edin- burghshire, wood-merchant, March 10-Veitch, Forfar, writer, March 10-Rose, Dingwall, writer, March 10-Freyd, Glasgow, jeweller, March 12.