A Test-book of the History of Sculpture. (Longman and Co.)—In
this book Professors A. Marquand and A. L. Frothingham, of Princeton University, have collected a great mass of information from prehistoric Egyptian times down to America of the present day. Hence, as the book is not a large one, it follows that the infor- mation is conveyed almost in the form of notes. This method, while it precludes any general survey, makes the book a useful one for reference.—Another American text-book is Mr. Russell Sturgis's European Architecture (Macmillan and Co.) Each period is dealt with in a separate chapter, which is subdivided into parts relating to different countries. As these countries are taken in the same order in each chapter, it is easy to compare the material put before us. Many interesting drawings showing details of construction are given. The book is very well printed and the glossary of architectural terms is a useful addition. A History of Greek Art. By F. B. Tarbell. (Macmillan and Co.)—This is another American text-book. As it does not cover so much ground as the preceding book, there is more room left for the general considerations, which are sensible and interesting. The fault of the book is the way in which the illustrations have been produced. All are inferior, and some, for instance the Venus of Melee, even bad.