-Mr. Churchill in an _important speech at Belfast on Tuesday
said that he expected to get the surplus of £1,000,000 for which he had budgeted. That, of course, would be without allowing for the coal subsidy which would cost '17 or 18 millions. The taxes must have come in remarkably well during the past few weeks for Mr. Churchill to be able to make such a hopeful predietion: He expressed his disappointment, however, that it had not been possible to reduce' the debt this year by the whole 50 millions which the-Government. had set before itself as an ideal. He added that the Economy. Bill, which than be introduced next week, would not do more than prevent heavy automatic, increases of expenditure and provide for the new commit:. inents entered into last year for the Navy, pensions, the beet sugar subsidy, and so on. - - * * * • *