A telegraphic despatch from Berlin, dated yesterday, announces that the
Prussian Minister at War, General Bonin, has resigned ; that his resigna- tion has been accepted ; and that Count Waldersee, Commander of the Federal Garrison at Frankfort, will succeed him. [It will be recollected that it was General Bonin who, before the late Loan-Committee, uttered the energetic phrase that for Prussia to take part with Russia would be nothing less than "parricide.
A telegraphic despatch dated " Gallipoli, April 26," states that the Golden Age and the Kangaroo, with two regiments of the Guards, had arrived there and passed on to Constantinople.
The Andes arrived at Malta, on the 29th April, in eight days, with the " First Regiment" on board. " On the voyage a Ike broke out, and, 60,000 cartridges were thrown overboard."
The Moniteur of Thursday and Friday contained two decrees; the first calls out 80,000 men of the class 1853 for the Army and Navy ; the second establishes an Imperial Guard, under the command of General de St. Jean d'Angely.
The Russian Count Lazzaroff was arrested in Paris yesterday, after having been subjected to a domiciliary visit : his papers, it is said, dis- close a dangerous correspondence with St. Petersburg.
The San Spiridoni, from Antwerp, with 229 cases of guns on board for the Greek insurgents, has been seized at Malta.
It is reported at Marseilles, that the Harriette, an English merchant- ship, has been plundered by Greek pirates off Andros, and its crew mas- aaered.