Hoare of Commons.
Hamra. al.
Title. By whom introduced. Stage arrived at.
Testamentary Jurisdiction From Lords Bead a first time. Militia Lord Palmerston Bead a first and se- cond time.
Public Statues Sir W. Molesworth Bead a first time.
Exchequer Bills : 16,024,100/.... Read a first and se- cond time.
The Devonport and Keyham Tunnel Bill has gone to the Lords. Several Bills have made progress in Committee, and towards the third reading.
Tide. ' By whom introduced. Stage arrived at.
Industrial and Provident Societies Lord Goderich Bead a first time.
Public Libraries Mr. Ewart Read a first time. Two Bills were read a second time ; three Bills were lost on the question of the second reading.
!Ministerial. Nan-Ministerial. No. of Bills. Ito. of Bills. Introduced and " leave given" to 1 41 Introduced and " leave given "to 1 86 April 29 April 29 Ditto during the Week 3 Ditto during the Week 2 Sent from the Lords 1 Sent from the Lords 2 Of these : Of these:
Received Royal Assent 6 Rejected 9 Withdrawn 2 Been read a second time .... 11
Been read a second time 2 Further advanced I
Further advanced 10 Wait a second reading 16 Wait a second reading 19 Gone to the Lords 2 Gone to the Lords 6
Firrawmar. RESOLUTIONB—Resolutiona with respect to Exchequer Bonds and Ex- chequer Bills ; Monday, May 8. (Mr. CHANCELLOR OP THE EXCHEQUER.) OATHS BILL—Second reading; Monday, May 8. (Lord JOHN RUSSELL.) AMENDMENT—That the second reading take place that day six months. (Sir
STAMP Acrs—Committee; Monday, May 8: (Mr. CHANCELLOR of the EXCHB- QUER.) MERCHANT Suivcnio Bo-Y.—Second reading ; Monday, May 8. (Mr. CarmwEr.t.) MERCHANT SHrenNo Acre IREFEAL BILL—Second reading; Monday, May 8. (Sir. CARDWELL.) OXFORD UrrivEssiTir Brix,—Committee (resumed); Monday, May 13. (Lord Jaen Ressaat.) RAILWAY AND CANAL TRAFFIC REGULATION BILL—Committee ; Monday, May 8. (Mr. CARDWELL.). THE NAVY—Bill for the encouragement of Seamen, and the more effectual man- ning of the Navy ; Monday, May 8. (Sir Jamas Gnammi.)
PRIZE MONEY, to facilitate the payment of the Navy, and the payment
of Prize-money, he.; Monday, May 8. (Sir Jamas Gasmati.) CHURCH-RATES—Bill to relieve Dissenters; Tuesday, May 9. (Mr. PACKS.) BILLS OP Excirmum—Bill to make fraudulent dealings with regard to Bills of Ex- change felonious in certain eases; Tuesday, May 9. (Mr. DIGBY SEYMOVR.1 CANTERBURY Barairay PaEvENTiox Bus. (and the four others)—Second reading ; Friday, May 12. (Mr. ATTORNEY-GENERAL.)
AmENDMENT—That the Bills be read a second time that day six months. (Sir FREDERICK THESIORIL)
B.EGIBTRATION OP BIRTHS, he. (SCOTLAND) BILL—SeCOnd reading ; Friday, May 12. (Lord Eteno.) EDUCATION (SCOTLAND) Buz—Second reading; uncertain. (Los.D.AnvocasE.) TESTAMENTARY JURISDICTION B1LL—Second reading; Monday, May 15. (FROM THE Loans.) CONVENTUAL AND MONASTIC INSTITUTIONS—Adjonmed debate on Nomination of Committee; Thursday, May 18. (Mr. Tuoxss CHAERF.RIL) AMENDMENT—To postpone nomination until leave is given to bring in a Bill for more effectually securing the Liberty of the Subject. (Mr. Many SErmotni.) COLONIAL CLERGY I/maw:1mm Buz—Committee (resumed); Friday, May 19.
(Mr. Souciroa-GENERai..) THE Loans.
Law Exrainms—To bring before the House the subject of Taxes an Law Proceed- ings, and to move resolutions thereon ; Friday, May 12. (Lord Snowman.)