ADMIRALTY, April 28.—Corps of Royal Marines—First Lieut. and Adjt. W. M Mansell to be Capt. vice P. Onslow, to retired full-pay; Second Lieut. J. P. Murray to be First Lieut. vice Mansell, promoted. May 1.—Vice-Admiral of the Bed C. J. Johnston has been appointed to receive a pension of 1501. a year, as provided for in her Majesty's Order in Council of June 25, 1851, vacant by the decease of Admiral J. Mackeller, and the name of Vice- Johnston has been removed to the Reserved Half-pay List accordingly: and in con- sequence of this removal the following promotions, dated April 15, have taken place —Vice-Admiral of the White Hon. J. Percy, C.B. to be Vice-Admiral of the Ha; Vice-Admiral of the Blue J. W. D. Dundee, C.B. to be Vice-Admiral of the White ; Bear-Admiral P. Browne, on reserved half-pay, to be Vice-Admiral on reserved half- pay ; Rear-Admiral of the Red H. Prescott, C.B. to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue • Rear-Admiral of the White M. F. F. Berkeley, C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the Bed; Rear-Admiral of the Blue W. J. Mingaye to be Rear-Admiral of the White. Capt. W. Keats, Capt. Sir H. J. Leeke, K.H. Capt. T. Martin, Capt. H. Edwards, to be Rear-Admirals on the Reserved List.
Capt. C. H. Freemantle to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue.
Retired Capt. J. G. Alpin has also been promoted to be retired Rear-Admiral, on the terms proposed in the London Gazette of September 1, 1846, without increase of