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THE QUEEN held a Privy Council, at Buckingham Palace, on Monday. Her Majesty also gave audiences to Earl Granville, the Earl of Aberdeen, and Sir James Graham.
The Queen held a levee at St. James's Palace on Wednesday. It was very numerously attended. The birthday of Prince Arthur, on Monday, was celebrated at Buck- ingham Palace by a juvenile ball. Invitations were issued to two hun- dred and sixty guests ; including the families of Foreign Ministers, Ministers of State, and ladies and gentlemen of the Court. The youthful party danced in the Throne-room, and afterwards took supper in the State dinner-room.
Her Majesty visited the Duchess of Gloucester yesterday.
The Earl of Elgin had an audience of her Majesty on Thursday, and took leave on his return to Canada.
Prince Albert presided yesterday at a meeting of the Commission for Promoting and Encouraging the Fine Arts in the Rebuilding of the Palace at Westminster.
Her Majesty and Prince Albert, with the Princess Royal, went to the French Play on Saturday and yesterday ; on Tuesday, to the Princess's Theatre ; on Thursday, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred, to the Royal Italian Opera. Prince Nicholas of Nassau, Baron Bentinck, Admiral Virgin, the Earl and Countess Granville, and Mr. Edward Cardwell and Mrs. Cardwell, have dined with the Queen.