it is said here that the responsible office of Chief Commissioner of In- come-tax for Ireland will be shortly left at the disposal of Government by the resignation of Mr. John Robert Godley ; who, it is added, has accepted a similar appointment on the other side of the Channel. During the very abort period that Mr. Godley discharged the troublesome duties of Com- missioner, he contrived to conciliate all grades, and to induce the stoutest grumblers to submit with a tolerably good grace to the infliction of an impost the only charm of which, unfortunately, was that of novelty= _Dublin Correspondent of the Times. According to a local paper, the number of emigrants who have sailed this year from the port of New Ross, up to the 23d April, was 1026 ; nearly all of whom belonged to the better class of farmers. Of fifty-six
who departed from one village, not one exceeded thirty years of age. The population of Kilmacthomas, once 3000, is now only 700. Nevertheless, at present the general emigration from Ireland has been less than during the same period last year.