6 MAY 1871, Page 24

Street's Indian and Colonial Mercantile Directory (Street) is a volume

which commends itself almost sufficiently by its title. It gives a short summary of information about each colony and settlement, its population, revenue, &c., with a classified list of persons that carry on the various professions and trades. It also states the rates of passage-money from England, rates of import duty, average length of voyage, &c. We have tested it in the one or two instances in which we happened to be able to apply a test, and found it accurate. It would be as well, perhaps, to include a list of the clergy, though this would have required a slight alteration of the title. As a mere matter of business, it is often import- ant for those who think of visiting a colony, or indeed of having any dealings with it, to know something about the clergy. A common con- sent gives them the office of vouching for people's respectability.