" Holy Dynamite" is extending its evil influence even in
America. Two parcels filled with powder were recently sent by post to the addresses of Mr. Cyrus Field and Mr. W. H. Van- derbilt, and exploded in the railway en route. They were, it is• believed, sent by Socialists, who desired, on the Florian prin- ciple, to kill the two most conspicuous capitalists and employers of labour in America. This is deduced from the fact that im- mediately after a similar package was flung into the hall of a. house where Mr. Walling, superintendent of police, was sup- posed to reside. It exploded, but did little harm. Mr. Walling- had recently forbidden a Socialist procession, and was threat- ened in consequence. The world will yet have to consider this question of explosives in a very serious way, and to treat, attempts to murder by them, and attempts to terrorise through them, as offences of the very first class. No wickedness is so- formidable as that which appeals to science for instruments.