A meeting of the "Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants"
(whose central offices are at 14 Grosvenor Road) was held at the official residence of Sir Henry Brand, the Speaker of the House of Commons, last Saturday, at which the Speaker himself presided, pointing out that more than three thousand friendless girls had been helped by the Society during the past year, in fourteen different districts of London, that many of the City Companies have contributed to the funds of the Society, and that the Boards of Guardians recognise fully the valuable work done by this Association, which has several homes for girls out of place ; but that, notwithstanding all this, the income of the Association is not adequate to the cost of the rapidly extending operations it has to conduct. Indeed, not only is more money urgently needed, but also the services of ladies who are willing to engage in this useful work of keeping an eye on these poor girls, and putting them under the care of the Association, when they are out of place, are as urgently needed. The Speaker, Canon Farrar, the Chairman of the Association (Mr. Brooke Lambert), Mrs. Westlake, dm, having fully explained the objects of the Association, various resolu- tions were carried recommending the Association to the hearty support of charitable London,—resolutions which may, we trust, result in the speedy acquisition of larger means for the workers, and of more workers for the efficient use cf the means.