6 MAY 1916, Page 1

We shall be told, of course, that shooting rebels is

no remedy, thatirishinen have long memories, and that if the Government act strongly Ireland will never compose her quarrel with England and Scotland. We do not believe a word of such pleas for weakness. Murderers are murderers even when concealed under such aliases as " patriots," " soldiers of the republic," and so forth. The disaffected part of the Irish population are still in a ferment, and if the unfortunate people of Dublin are to escape the horrors of another insurrection within the next few months we must make it absolutely clear to the would-be insurgents what will be their fate. Irish insurgent leaders do not want to be shot, but they do want the excitement of revolt. If they are taught to believe that they can have revolution on a system of limited liability, plus very largo payments from Germany, there will be no end to new Sinn Fein movements. Stern punishment for the leaders who are proved guilty cannot be avoided.