A Zeppelin raid on a large scale on Scotland and
the North of England took place on Tuesday, the number of aircraft being " at least five or six." One of them is thought to have been hit. A Press Bureau statement issued on Wednesday says that the raid was of a somewhat special character. Some of the airships, though they appeared off the coast, did not penetrate inland. Those that did threw about a hundred bombs in all. Happily a great number of these fell on eninhabited areas, or even into the sea. Only in one locality were any casualties caused. Here twelve explosive and four incendiary bombs were dropped, with the result that eighteen houses were damaged, and six men, including ono soldier, and three women were killed, and nineteen men, including three soldiers, and eight women were wounded. The remaining seventy-odd bombs only caused two injuries, one to a soldier and one to a child. The raiders only twice came within range of anti-aircraft artillery, and on both occasions retreated without delay. It looks as if the raid had been some sort of naval or military reconnaissance rather than one actually intended to do damage. This, however, can only be surmise.