PERSIAN EARTHQUAKE DISASTER SIR,—May we appeal to your readers for
help for the victims of the earthquake disaster in Lar, in Persia, which has struck the town, reducing most of it to rubble, and leaving in its wake a trail of destruction
and horror. Latest reports from Persia that not a single wall stands and that most of the inhabitants are dead, wountl.xl or homeless. Bereft suddenly of every possession in the world, the plight of the sur- vivors is indeed desperate: A large proportion of the victims are women and children, and the cries of the children and of their distraught mothers are pitiful to hear. Appealing for help, the Governor of Lar says: `I am sitting here in bare feet and rags. The town is now a heap of debris. Nothing can be seen through the billowing clouds of dust.' Poisonous snakes are adding to the terror of the disaster scene. The Persian Government has appealed for any possible help— 'a shirt, a blanket or a few shillings.'
War on Want has established a special fund to aid the victims of the disaster and undertake that every penny contributed will go direct to their relief. Nothing whatever will be spent on the expenses of this appeal out of the contributions received.